Kacapek Opublikowano 5 Stycznia 2017 Udostępnij Opublikowano 5 Stycznia 2017 (edytowane) Witam, znalazłem taki dice skrypt lecz nie jest on przystosowany do nowego dp. Wie ktoś gdzie trzeba by dodać linijkę żeby otwierał konkretną skrzynkę w dp? Skrypt: --[[ ____ __ __ /\ _ \ /\ \ __/\ \__ \ \ \/\_\\ \ \___ __ __/\_\ \ _\ ___ __ _ \ \ \/_/_\ \ _ \/\ \/\ \/\ \ \ \/ / __ \/\ \/ \ \ \ \_\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \ \ \ \_/\ \_\ \/> </ \ \____/ \ \_\ \_\ \____/\ \_\ \__\ \____//\_/\_\ \/___/ \/_/\/_/\/___/ \/_/\/__/\/___/ \//\/_/ Casino Script 2.0 Information: Official thread: http://forums.xenobot.net/showthread.php?17044 Depot Chest Setup: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nxybs942cfrsyak/setup.png Guidelines & Warnings: 1. You must execute BOTH files in the link: "Casino Script.lua" and "Casino Script-Proxies.lua" 2. Avoid using high values as accepted amounts of cash. Consider the following limits when you change settings: Blackjack, High/Low, Highest/Lowest & Odd/Even Minimum: 0.1k - 200k Maximum: 0.2k - 500k Payout: 1 - 100% First/Second/Last, Sequence & Pair Of Numbers Minimum: 0.1k - 200k Maximum: 0.2k - 300k Payout: 1 - 300% Single Numbers, Sum Of Numbers & Beat That Minimum: 0.1k - 200k Maximum: 0.2k - 200k Payout: 1 - 500% 3. DO NOT perform actions manually with the script running, first type /stop in the script channel 4. The features that affect performance are labelled 5. Trashed dice will go to the items container when items are accepted 6. Start the script by activating the Walker or placing yourself in the LEFT SIDE of a depot and typing /start 7. Type /help in the script channel for a list of available commands Default Requirements: 1. Die 2. Party Hat (Head Slot) 3. Ectoplasmic Sushi 4. Orange Backpack: up to 2 5. Red Backpack: up to 7 6. Beach Backpack: 1 with nested backpacks (backpack inside backpack, same type) 7. Lyre (Music Instrument) 8. Trough Kit (Furniture) ]]-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- G E N E R A L -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Basic Setup -- _Containers_CrystalCoins = "Orange Backpack" -- Container for crystal coins _Containers_PlatinumCoins = "Red Backpack" -- Container for platinum coins _Containers_Items = "Beach Backpack" -- Container for items -- Inactivity System -- _Inactivity_Detection = false -- Search new depot when inactive _Inactivity_Interval = 2 -- Minutes to wait before searching a new depot _Inactivity_AntiIdle = false -- Built-In Anti-Idle _Inactivity_NotifyBlockedSpot = false -- Notify to the player when the spot is blocked (Inactivity detection must disabled) _Inactivity_MessageBlockedSpot = "Please, don't block the depot" _Inactivity_BlockedSpotInterval = 2 -- Minutes to wait before notifying blocked spot -- Decoration -- _Decoration_Enabled = false -- Use decoration under dice _Decoration_Item = "Ectoplasmic Sushi" -- Name of item to use as decoration | Default: "Ectoplasmic Sushi" -- Randomizer -- _VirtualMode_ = true -- User a virtual method to generate random numbers (Replacement for Official servers) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- A D V A N C E D S E T U P -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Effects -- _Effects_Enabled = true -- Use item effects _Effects_Item = "Party Hat" -- Name of the item to show effects _Effects_Interval = 1 -- How often to show effects | Default: 1 second | WARNING: Low values may affect performance -- Remote Status -- _Remote_Status = true -- Enable the use of remote commands to know the status of the gambling session _Remote_AdminName = { "name1", "name2" } -- Name of the character used to request status information _Remote_OutcomeCommand = "What's your outcome?" -- Command to send outcome information _Remote_CashCommand = "How much do you have in cash?" -- Command to send available cash information _Remote_ItemsCommand = "How much do you have in items?" -- Command to send how much the items in the container are worth _Remote_StartCommand = "Let's gamble!" -- Command to start the script _Remote_StopCommand = "Stop gambling" -- Command to stop the script _Remote_NewDepotCommand = "Find a new depot" -- Command to find a new depot to run the script _Remote_DiceAndDecoCommand = "How many dice and deco items do you have?" -- Command to send how many dice and items for decoration it has in depot _Remote_EmptyContainersCommand = "How many empty containers do you have?" -- Command to send how many empty containers for platinum coins are available _Remote_BackupProfitCommand = "Backup Profit" -- Command to backup profit _Remote_BackupContainer = "Yellow Backpack" -- Container used to store the profit _Remote_BackupCrystalCoins = 200 -- Amount of crystal coins to leave inside the depot -- Statistics -- _Statistics_UseLog = true -- Log Statistics | WARNING! May affect performance if enabled -- Debug Messages -- _Debug_MessagesInChannel = true -- Debug messages | WARNING! May affect performance if enabled _Debug_UseLog = false -- May affect performance if enabled -- Extra Settings -- _Extra_CipStaffDetection = true -- Stop script when a Cipsoft member is detected _Extra_AlarmLowCash = true -- Stop script and play alarm when cash is not enough to gamble _Extra_ServerSave = "10:00" -- Time of the Server Save in your country 24h format _Extra_ScreenshotOnStop = true -- Take screenshot when stopping the script _Extra_WorkloadExecution = 'default' -- The speed to execute actions (default/fast/medium/slow) _Extra_RestartOnKick = true -- Restart the script if the character has been kicked from game -- OpenTibia -- _OpenTibia = false -- Run script in Open Tibia Servers _OpenTibia_Indexes = { 12, 15, 1, 7, 10, 14, 15, 12 } -- Indexes used when running the script in OpenTibia servers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- G A M E T Y P E S -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Blackjack = Player's count (5 rolls) vs. Dealer's count (5 rolls) -- Blackjack = true Blackjack_Minimum = 5000 Blackjack_Maximum = 100000 Blackjack_Payout = 80 -- High/Low = 123 or 456 -- High_Low = true High_Low_Minimum = 5000 High_Low_Maximum = 100000 High_Low_Payout = 80 -- Odd/Even = 135 or 246 -- Odd_Even = true Odd_Even_Minimum = 5000 Odd_Even_Maximum = 100000 Odd_Even_Payout = 80 -- Highest/Lowest = Player's count (Half of rolls) vs. Dealer's count (Half of rolls). Highest wins -- -- Only use even numbers like 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 Highest_Lowest = true Highest_Lowest_Rolls = 4 Highest_Lowest_Minimum = 5000 Highest_Lowest_Maximum = 100000 Highest_Lowest_Payout = 80 -- First/Second/Last = 12, 34 or 56 -- First_Second_Last = true First_Second_Last_Minimum = 5000 First_Second_Last_Maximum = 100000 First_Second_Last_Payout = 180 -- Sequence = seq, sequence, succession or series (123, 234, 456, 654, 543 or 321) -- Sequence = true Sequence_Minimum = 5000 Sequence_Maximum = 100000 Sequence_Payout = 180 -- Pair of numbers = Match roll with 1 out of 2 numbers -- Pair_Of_Numbers = true Pair_Of_Numbers_Minimum = 5000 Pair_Of_Numbers_Maximum = 100000 Pair_Of_Numbers_Payout = 180 -- Single Numbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 -- Single_Numbers = true Single_Numbers_Minimum = 5000 Single_Numbers_Maximum = 100000 Single_Numbers_Payout = 360 -- Beat That = Number between 11 and 66 -- Beat_That = true Beat_That_Minimum = 5000 Beat_That_Maximum = 100000 Beat_That_Payout = 360 -- Sum of numbers = Sum several rolls -- Sum_Of_Numbers = true Sum_Of_Numbers_Minimum = 5000 Sum_Of_Numbers_Maximum = 100000 Sum_Of_Numbers_Maximum_Rolls = 10 Sum_Of_Numbers_Payout = 360 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- M E S S A G E S -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Interactive Messages -- _Interactive_Messages = true -- Use interactive messages with the player _Interaction_PrivateMessages = true -- Send interactive messages through PM instead of Local Chat Invalid_Bid = { -- [game], [min], [max] "The accepted amount for [game] is between [min] and [max]", "I'm sorry, I accept min. [min] and max. [max] to play [game]", } Welcome_Messages = { -- Placeholder: [player] "Welcome, [player]! Do you want to try your luck?", "Hello, [player]! I feel you want to become millionaire!", "Hello, [player]! Are you curious about my games? Say 'games' or 'rates'", "Hi, [player]! Are you feeling lucky today?", } -- Digit Game Types -- Win_Messages = { -- [amount], [roll] "Congratulations! The number rolled was [roll]. You won [amount]", "Gratz! The number rolled was [roll]. Here you are, [amount]", "Aaaand we have a winner! The number rolled was [roll]. You have won [amount]", "Today must be your lucky day! The number rolled was [roll]. You won [amount]", } Lose_Messages = { -- [amount], [roll] "I'm sorry, maybe another time. The number rolled was [roll]", "Oh well you can't always win... The number rolled was [roll]", } -- Blackjack -- Blackjack_Win_Messages = { -- [playercount], [dealercount], [amount], [roll] "Congratulations! Your count is [playercount] and mine [dealercount]. You have won [amount]", "Gratz! The counts were [playercount] vs. [dealercount]. Here you are, [amount]!", "Aaaand we have a winner! The counts were [playercount] vs. [dealercount]. You have won [amount]", "Today must be your lucky day! Your count was [playercount] and mine [dealercount]. You won [amount]", } Blackjack_Lose_Messages = { -- [playercount], [dealercount], [amount], [roll] "I'm sorry, maybe another time. The counts were [playercount] vs. [dealercount]", "Oh well, that's [playercount] vs. [dealercount]. I guess you can't always win...", } Blackjack_Even_Result_Messages = { -- [tiecount], [amount], [roll] "It's a tie! We both got a total of [tiecount], here is your [amount]", "We are tied. Both counts were [tiecount]. Here is your [amount] back", } Blackjack_Busted_Player_Messages = { -- [playercount], [amount], [roll] "You got busted, your final count was [playercount]", "Busted! Your count is [playercount] and it's above 21", } Blackjack_Busted_Dealer_Messages = { -- [dealercount], [amount], [roll] "My final count was [dealercount] and it's above 21. You have won [amount]", "Well, my count was above 21 as it's [dealercount]. Congratulations! You won [amount]", } Blackjack_Busted_Both_Messages = { -- [playercount], [dealercount], [amount], [roll] "Your count was [playercount] and mine [dealercount]. We were both above 21 so here is your [amount] back", "Looks like we both were over 21 with [playercount] vs. [dealercount]. Here is your [amount] back", } -- Highest/Lowest -- Highest_Lowest_Win_Messages = { -- [firstcount], [secondcount], [amount], [roll] "Congratulations! Your count is [firstcount] and mine [secondcount]. You have won [amount]", "Gratz! The counts were [firstcount] and [secondcount]. Here you are, [amount]!", "Aaaand we have a winner! The counts were [firstcount] and [secondcount]. You have won [amount]", "Today must be your lucky day! The first count was [firstcount] and the second [secondcount]. You won [amount]", } Highest_Lowest_Lose_Messages = { -- [firstcount], [secondcount], [amount], [roll] "I'm sorry, maybe another time. The counts were [firstcount] and [secondcount]", "Oh well, that's [firstcount] and [secondcount]. I guess you can't always win...", } Highest_Lowest_Even_Result_Messages = { -- [tiecount], [amount], [roll] "Both sums were equal [tiecount], here is your [amount]", "The counts were the same: [tiecount]. Here is your [amount] back", } -- Sequence -- Sequence_Win_Messages = { -- [sequence], [amount], [roll] "Congratulations! The sequence was [sequence]. You won [amount]", "Gratz! The sequence was [sequence] Here you are, [amount]", } Sequence_Lose_Messages = { -- [sequence], [amount], [roll] "I'm sorry, maybe another time. The sequence was [sequence]", "The sequence was [sequence], I guess you can't always win...", } -- Sum Of Numbers -- Sum_Win_Messages = { -- [sum], [amount], [roll] "Congratulations! The sum was [sum]. You won [amount]", "Gratz! The sum was [sum] Here you are, [amount]", } Sum_Lose_Messages = { -- [sum], [amount], [roll] "I'm sorry, maybe another time. The sum was [sum]", "The sum was [sum], I guess you can't always win...", } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- B R O A D C A S T -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- AVAILABLE PLACEHOLDERS FOR CUSTOM MESSAGES -- [name], -- [minhighlow], [minoddeven], [minfirstsecondlast], [minsingle], [minblackjack], -- [maxhighlow], [maxoddeven], [maxfirstsecondlast], [maxsingle], [maxblackjack], -- [payoutblackjack], [payoutoddeven], [payouthighlow], [payoutfirstsecondlast], [payoutsingle] _Broadcast_UseMessages = true -- Use broadcasted messages _Broadcast_Interval = 60 -- Time in seconds to wait before the next broadcast _Broadcast_FixedInterval = false -- Broadcast even with players around or when gambling | WARNING: May affect performance _Broadcast_UppercaseMessages = true -- Modify the broadcast to use uppercase letters | Example: COME A PLAY THE FASTEST GAME _Broadcast_YellMessages = true -- Yell broadcasted message _Broadcast_Messages = { "[name]'s Casino - Try your luck with the fastest game!", "Become a millionaire in a second at [name]'s Casino!", "Come and play the fastest game!", "Feeling lucky? The best payrate in all Tibia!", "Tired of slow games? Come and play at [name]'s Casino!", } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- W I N S & L O S S E S -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Winning_Item = "Lyre" -- Default: Lyre | Type "none" to disable Losing_Item = "Trough Kit" -- Default: Trough Kit | Type "none" to disable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- I T E M S -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Accept_Items = false -- Accept items as bets Items_List = { -- Products -- { Name = "Magic Sulphur", Value = 8000 }, { Name = "Dragon Claw", Value = 300000 }, { Name = "Soul Stone", Value = 500000 }, { Name = "Spider Silk", Value = 4000 }, { Name = "Dracola's Eye", Value = 50000 }, { Name = "Dracoyle Statue", Value = 5000 }, { Name = "Red Piece Of Cloth", Value = 20000 }, { Name = "Flask of Warrior's Sweat", Value = 10000 }, { Name = "Mr. Punish's Handcuffs", Value = 50000 }, { Name = "Piece of Massacre's Shell", Value = 50000 }, { Name = "Skeleton Decoration", Value = 3000 }, { Name = "Sniper Gloves", Value = 2000 }, { Name = "Spirit Container", Value = 40000 }, { Name = "Tentacle Piece", Value = 5000 }, { Name = "The Plasmother's Remains", Value = 50000 }, { Name = "Demonic Essence", Value = 1000 }, -- Others -- { Name = "Pair Of Soft Boots", Value = 300000 }, { Name = "Worn Soft Boots", Value = 300000 }, { Name = "Firewalker Boots", Value = 150000 }, { Name = "Worn Firewalker Boots", Value = 150000 }, -- Blue Djinn -- { Name = "Angelic Axe", Value = 5000 }, { Name = "Blue Robe", Value = 10000 }, { Name = "Boots Of Haste", Value = 30000 }, { Name = "Butcher's Axe", Value = 18000 }, { Name = "Crown Armor", Value = 12000 }, { Name = "Crown Helmet", Value = 2500 }, { Name = "Crown Legs", Value = 12000 }, { Name = "Crown Shield", Value = 8000 }, { Name = "Crusader Helmet", Value = 6000 }, { Name = "Dragon Lance", Value = 9000 }, { Name = "Dragon Shield", Value = 4000 }, { Name = "Fire Axe", Value = 8000 }, { Name = "Fire Sword", Value = 4000 }, { Name = "Glorious Axe", Value = 3000 }, { Name = "Guardian Shield", Value = 2000 }, { Name = "Phoenix Shield", Value = 16000 }, { Name = "Queen's Sceptre", Value = 10000 }, { Name = "Royal Helmet", Value = 30000 }, { Name = "Shadow Sceptre", Value = 10000 }, { Name = "Thaian Sword", Value = 16000 }, { Name = "Wand Of Cosmic energy", Value = 2000 }, { Name = "Wand Of Defiance", Value = 6500 }, { Name = "Wand Of Everblazing", Value = 6000 }, { Name = "Wand Of Inferno", Value = 3000 }, { Name = "Wand Of Starstorm", Value = 3600 }, { Name = "Wand Of Voodoo", Value = 4000 }, -- Green Djinn -- { Name = "Bonebreaker", Value = 10000 }, { Name = "Dragon Hammer", Value = 2000 }, { Name = "Dreaded Cleaver", Value = 15000 }, { Name = "Knight Axe", Value = 2000 }, { Name = "Earth Knight Axe", Value = 2000 }, { Name = "Energy Knight Axe", Value = 2000 }, { Name = "Fiery Knight Axe", Value = 2000 }, { Name = "Icy Knight Axe", Value = 2000 }, { Name = "Giant Sword", Value = 17000 }, { Name = "Haunted Blade", Value = 8000 }, { Name = "Knight Legs", Value = 5000 }, { Name = "Knight Armor", Value = 5000 }, { Name = "Onyx Flail", Value = 22000 }, { Name = "Ornamented Axe", Value = 20000 }, { Name = "Skull Staff", Value = 6000 }, { Name = "Titan Axe", Value = 4000 }, { Name = "Tower Shield", Value = 8000 }, { Name = "Vampire Shield", Value = 15000 }, { Name = "Warrior Helmet", Value = 5000 }, { Name = "Glacial Rod", Value = 6500 }, { Name = "Hailstorm Rod", Value = 3000 }, { Name = "Muck Rod", Value = 6000 }, { Name = "Springsprout Rod", Value = 3600 }, { Name = "Terra Rod", Value = 2000 }, { Name = "Underworld Rod", Value = 4400 }, -- Rashid -- { Name = "Abyss Hammer", Value = 20000 }, { Name = "Amber Staff", Value = 8000 }, { Name = "Assassin Dagger", Value = 20000 }, { Name = "Berserker", Value = 40000 }, { Name = "Blacksteel Sword", Value = 6000 }, { Name = "Blessed Sceptre", Value = 40000 }, { Name = "Bonelord Helmet", Value = 7500 }, { Name = "Buckle", Value = 7000 }, { Name = "Castle Shield", Value = 5000 }, { Name = "Chain Bolter", Value = 40000 }, { Name = "Chaos Mace", Value = 9000 }, { Name = "Cobra Crown", Value = 50000 }, { Name = "Composite Hornbow", Value = 25000 }, { Name = "Cranial Basher", Value = 30000 }, { Name = "Crystal Crossbow", Value = 35000 }, { Name = "Crystal Mace", Value = 12000 }, { Name = "Crystalline Armor", Value = 16000 }, { Name = "Demon Shield", Value = 30000 }, { Name = "Demonbone Amulet", Value = 32000 }, { Name = "Demonrage Sword", Value = 36000 }, { Name = "Diamond Sceptre", Value = 3000 }, { Name = "Divine Plate", Value = 55000 }, { Name = "Djinn Blade", Value = 15000 }, { Name = "Dragon Scale Mail", Value = 40000 }, { Name = "Dragon Slayer", Value = 15000 }, { Name = "Dragonbone Staff", Value = 3000 }, { Name = "Dwarven Armor", Value = 30000 }, { Name = "Elvish Bow", Value = 2000 }, { Name = "Epee", Value = 8000 }, { Name = "Fur Boots", Value = 2000 }, { Name = "Glacier Kilt", Value = 11000 }, { Name = "Glacier Mask", Value = 2500 }, { Name = "Glacier Robe", Value = 11000 }, { Name = "Glacier Shoes", Value = 2500 }, { Name = "Gold Ring", Value = 8000 }, { Name = "Golden Armor", Value = 20000 }, { Name = "Golden Legs", Value = 30000 }, { Name = "Guardian Halberd", Value = 11000 }, { Name = "Hammer Of Wrath", Value = 30000 }, { Name = "Headchopper", Value = 6000 }, { Name = "Heavy Mace", Value = 50000 }, { Name = "Heavy Trident", Value = 2000 }, { Name = "Helmet Of The Lost", Value = 2000 }, { Name = "Heroic Axe", Value = 30000 }, { Name = "Hibiscus Dress", Value = 3000 }, { Name = "Jade Hammer", Value = 25000 }, { Name = "Lavos Armor", Value = 16000 }, { Name = "Leviathan's Amulet", Value = 3000 }, { Name = "Lightning Boots", Value = 2500 }, { Name = "Lightning Headband", Value = 2500 }, { Name = "Lightning Legs", Value = 11000 }, { Name = "Lightning Robe", Value = 11000 }, { Name = "Lunar Staff", Value = 5000 }, { Name = "Magic Plate Armor", Value = 90000 }, { Name = "Magma Boots", Value = 2500 }, { Name = "Magma Coat", Value = 11000 }, { Name = "Magma Legs", Value = 11000 }, { Name = "Magma Monocle", Value = 2500 }, { Name = "Mammoth Fur Cape", Value = 6000 }, { Name = "Mastermind Shield", Value = 50000 }, { Name = "Medusa Shield", Value = 9000 }, { Name = "Mercenary Sword", Value = 12000 }, { Name = "Mycological Bow", Value = 35000 }, { Name = "Mystic Blade", Value = 30000 }, { Name = "Naginata", Value = 2000 }, { Name = "Nightmare Blade", Value = 35000 }, { Name = "Noble Axe", Value = 10000 }, { Name = "Orcish Maul", Value = 6000 }, { Name = "Pair Of Iron Fists", Value = 4000 }, { Name = "Paladin Armor", Value = 15000 }, { Name = "Patched Boots", Value = 2000 }, { Name = "Pharaoh Sword", Value = 23000 }, { Name = "Pirate Boots", Value = 3000 }, { Name = "Platinum Amulet", Value = 2500 }, { Name = "Relic Sword", Value = 25000 }, { Name = "Ring Of The Sky", Value = 30000 }, { Name = "Royal Axe", Value = 40000 }, { Name = "Ruby Necklace", Value = 2000 }, { Name = "Ruthless Axe", Value = 45000 }, { Name = "Sacred Tree Amulet", Value = 3000 }, { Name = "Sapphire Hammer", Value = 7000 }, { Name = "Scarab Shield", Value = 2000 }, { Name = "Shockwave Amulet", Value = 3000 }, { Name = "Skull Helmet", Value = 40000 }, { Name = "Skullcracker Armor", Value = 18000 }, { Name = "Spiked Squelcher", Value = 5000 }, { Name = "Steel Boots", Value = 30000 }, { Name = "Swamplair Armor", Value = 16000 }, { Name = "Tempest Shield", Value = 35000 }, { Name = "Terra Boots", Value = 2500 }, { Name = "Terra Hood", Value = 2500 }, { Name = "Terra Legs", Value = 11000 }, { Name = "Terra Mantle", Value = 11000 }, { Name = "The Justice Seeker", Value = 40000 }, { Name = "Vile Axe", Value = 30000 }, { Name = "War Axe", Value = 12000 }, { Name = "War Horn", Value = 8000 }, { Name = "Witch hat", Value = 5000 }, -- Zao -- { Name = "Drachaku", Value = 10000 }, { Name = "Draken Boots", Value = 40000 }, { Name = "Drakinata", Value = 10000 }, { Name = "Elite Draken Mail", Value = 50000 }, { Name = "Guardian Boots", Value = 35000 }, { Name = "Sais", Value = 16500 }, { Name = "Twiceslicer", Value = 28000 }, { Name = "Wailing Widow's Necklace", Value = 3000 }, { Name = "Zaoan Armor", Value = 14000 }, { Name = "Zaoan Helmet", Value = 45000 }, { Name = "Zaoan Legs", Value = 14000 }, { Name = "Zaoan Shoes", Value = 5000 }, { Name = "Zaoan Sword", Value = 30000 }, -- Warzone -- { Name = "Arbalest", Value = 42000 }, { Name = "Arcane Staff", Value = 42000 }, { Name = "Baby Seal Doll", Value = 20000 }, { Name = "Bejeweled Ship's Telescope", Value = 20000 }, { Name = "Blade of Corruption", Value = 60000 }, { Name = "Bloody Edge", Value = 30000 }, { Name = "Blue Legs", Value = 15000 }, { Name = "Bright Sword", Value = 6000 }, { Name = "Ceremonial Ankh", Value = 20000 }, { Name = "Claw of 'The Noxious Spawn'", Value = 15000 }, { Name = "Crystal Wand", Value = 10000 }, { Name = "Demon Helmet", Value = 40000 }, { Name = "Dragon Robe", Value = 50000 }, { Name = "Dwarven Legs", Value = 40000 }, { Name = "Egg of the Many", Value = 15000 }, { Name = "Executioner", Value = 55000 }, { Name = "Frozen Starlight", Value = 20000 }, { Name = "Greenwood Coat", Value = 50000 }, { Name = "Marlin Trophy", Value = 5000 }, { Name = "Modified Crossbow", Value = 10000 }, { Name = "Panda Teddy", Value = 30000 }, { Name = "Runed Sword", Value = 45000 }, { Name = "Sea Serpent Trophy", Value = 10000 }, { Name = "Silkweaver Bow", Value = 12000 }, { Name = "Souleater Trophy", Value = 7500 }, { Name = "Stuffed Dragon", Value = 6000 }, { Name = "The Avenger", Value = 42000 }, { Name = "The Ironworker", Value = 50000 }, { Name = "Unholy Book", Value = 30000 }, { Name = "Windborn Colossus Armor", Value = 50000 }, } --[[ DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE ]]-- Script_Information = { Name = "Casino Script v2.0", Developer = "Chuitox" } InformationText = Script_Information.Name.." by "..Script_Information.Developer..'\n' -- Keep compatibility with older clients if (_G['getSelfPing'] == nil) then Self.Ping = function() return 100 end end function onSpeak(channel, message) channel:SendYellowMessage(getUserName():titlecase(), message) message = message:lower():trim() local setting_cmd, setting_value = message:match('^/([a-z]+) (.+)$') if (setting_cmd) then if (setting_cmd == 'broadcast') then if (setting_value) then if (setting_value == 'true' or setting_value == 'false') then if (setting_value == 'true') then _Broadcast_UseMessages = true channel:SendOrangeMessage('Casino', 'You will broadcast messages') else _Broadcast_UseMessages = false channel:SendOrangeMessage('Casino', 'You won\'t broadcast messages') end else _Broadcast_UseMessages = true channel:SendOrangeMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. You will broadcast messages by default') end end elseif (setting_cmd == 'alwaysactive') then if (setting_value) then if (setting_value == 'true' or setting_value == 'false') then if (setting_value == 'true') then _Inactivity_Detection = true channel:SendOrangeMessage('Casino', 'You will search for new depots if the period of inactivity is longer than '.._Inactivity_Interval..' min.') else _Inactivity_Detection = false channel:SendOrangeMessage('Casino', 'You won\'t search for new depots if the period of inactivity is longer than '.._Inactivity_Interval..' min.') end else _Inactivity_Detection = true channel:SendOrangeMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. You will search for new depots if the period of inactivity is longer than '.._Inactivity_Interval..' min. by default') end end else channel:SendOrangeMessage('Casino', 'Unknown command. Type /help for a list of available commands.') end else local execute_cmd = message:match('^/([a-z]+)$') if (execute_cmd) then if (execute_cmd == 'open') then if Open_Containers() then channel:SendOrangeMessage('Casino', 'All containers have been opened successfully.') end elseif (execute_cmd == 'start') or (execute_cmd == 'new') then Casino_Loaded = false PickUpDiceAndDecoration() if not Blackjack and not High_Low and not Odd_Even and not First_Second_Last and not Single_Numbers and not Highest_Lowest and not Sequence and not Pair_Of_Numbers and not Sum_Of_Numbers and not Beat_That then channel:SendOrangeMessage('Casino', 'You don\'t accept any game type. Please, check your settings and reload the script') else if UpdateCoordinates() then if Open_Containers() then CheckDiceAndDecoration() Last_Activity = os.time() Total.Items.LastAmountSeen = 0 Total.Items.Amount = 0 Total.Items.Value = 0 Casino_Loaded = true ManualStop = false channel:SendOrangeMessage('Casino', 'The script has been started') end else channel:SendOrangeMessage('Casino', 'The script failed to find location') end end elseif (execute_cmd == 'close') then Casino_Loaded = false PickUpDiceAndDecoration() while #Container.GetAll() > 0 do for i = 0, 15 do closeContainer(i) end end channel:SendOrangeMessage('Casino', 'All containers have been closed') elseif (execute_cmd == 'stop') then Casino_Loaded = false ManualStop = true PickUpDiceAndDecoration() while #Container.GetAll() > 0 do for i = 0, 15 do closeContainer(i) end end if channel then channel:SendOrangeMessage('Casino', 'The script has been stopped') end elseif (execute_cmd == 'reset') then Blackjack_Payout = 80 High_Low_Payout = 80 Odd_Even_Payout = 80 First_Second_Last_Payout = 180 Single_Numbers_Payout = 360 Losing_Item = 'Trough Kit' Winning_Item = 'Lyre' Winning_Item_ID = Item.GetID(Winning_Item) Losing_Item_ID = Item.GetID(Losing_Item) _Debug_MessagesInChannel = false _Broadcast_YellMessages = false _Broadcast_FixedInterval = false _Broadcast_UseMessages = true _Inactivity_Detection = false Blackjack_Minimum = 5000 Blackjack_Maximum = 500000 High_Low_Minimum = 5000 High_Low_Maximum = 500000 Odd_Even_Minimum = 5000 Odd_Even_Maximum = 500000 First_Second_Last_Minimum = 5000 First_Second_Last_Maximum = 300000 Single_Numbers_Minimum = 5000 Single_Numbers_Maximum = 200000 Highest_Lowest_Rolls = 4 Highest_Lowest_Minimum = 5000 Highest_Lowest_Maximum = 500000 Highest_Lowest_Payout = 80 Sequence_Minimum = 5000 Sequence_Maximum = 300000 Sequence_Payout = 180 Pair_Of_Numbers_Minimum = 5000 Pair_Of_Numbers_Maximum = 200000 Pair_Of_Numbers_Payout = 360 Sum_Of_Numbers_Minimum = 5000 Sum_Of_Numbers_Maximum = 200000 Sum_Of_Numbers_Maximum_Rolls = 10 Sum_Of_Numbers_Payout = 1000 Beat_That_Minimum = 5000 Beat_That_Maximum = 200000 Beat_That_Payout = 360 Last_Bid = os.time() HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.LAST_BID.VALUE:SetText('00:00') HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.AMOUNT_CASH.DISPLAY_PLATINUM.AMOUNT:SetText('0k') HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.BETS.WON.AMOUNT:SetText('0 (0k)') Bets.Won.Raw = 0 Bets.Won.Cash = 0 HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT:SetText('0 (0k)') Bets.Lost.Raw = 0 Bets.Lost.Cash = 0 HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetText('0 (0k)') Bets.Outcome.Raw = 0 Bets.Outcome.Cash = 0 Total.Items.LastAmountSeen = 0 Total.Items.Amount = 0 Total.Items.Value = 0 channel:SendOrangeMessage('Casino', 'All settings have been reset') elseif (execute_cmd == 'help') then channel:SendOrangeMessage('Casino', 'Available commands:\n'.. '/help - Show this information\n'.. '/reset - Reset all settings\n'.. '/start - Start the script\n'.. '/stop - Stop the script\n'.. '/open - Open all containers. Use only for testing purposes\n'.. '/close - Close all containers. Use only for testing purposes\n'.. '/alwaysactive (true/false) - Search new depot if inactivity period detected') else channel:SendOrangeMessage('Casino', 'Unknown command. Type /help for a list of available commands') end else channel:SendOrangeMessage('Casino', 'Unknown command. Type /help for a list of available commands') end end end function onClose(channel) print('Casino: Script channel has been closed') Casino_Loaded = false end CasinoChannel = Channel.Open('Casino', onSpeak, onClose) function ProcessDebugMessage(speaker, message) if speaker == 'Casino Debugger' then if _Debug_MessagesInChannel then CasinoChannel:SendOrangeMessage(speaker, message) end else CasinoChannel:SendOrangeMessage(speaker, message) end if _Debug_UseLog and Casino_LogFile then Casino_LogFile:write(os.date()..' '..message..'\n') Casino_LogFile:flush() end end ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Welcome to the Casino channel! Type /help for a list of available commands') ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Loading script...') DEVELOPER_HEADER = HUD(10, 20, '. : : '..Script_Information.Developer..' '..Script_Information.Name..' : : .', 0, 170, 20) USER_HEADER = HUD(10, 40, "XENOBOT USER", 125, 255, 140) USER_NAME = HUD(140, 40, getUserName():titlecase(), 255, 255, 255) STATS_HEADER = HUD(10, 60, "STATISTICS", 125, 255, 140) if _Effects_Interval < 1 or _Effects_Interval > 60 then _Effects_Interval = 1 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. The effects interval has been reset to '.._Effects_Interval..' second') end if _Broadcast_Interval < 3 or _Broadcast_Interval > 15*60 then _Broadcast_Interval = 60 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Broadcast time has been reset to '.._Broadcast_Interval..' seconds') end if Highest_Lowest then if Highest_Lowest_Minimum < 100 or Highest_Lowest_Minimum > 200000 then Highest_Lowest_Minimum = 5000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Highest/Lowest minimum cash accepted has been reset to '..Highest_Lowest_Minimum..' ('..(Highest_Lowest_Minimum/1000)..'k)') end if Highest_Lowest_Maximum < Highest_Lowest_Minimum or Highest_Lowest_Maximum > 500000 then Highest_Lowest_Maximum = 500000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Highest/Lowest maximum cash accepted has been reset to '..Highest_Lowest_Maximum..' ('..(Highest_Lowest_Maximum/1000)..'k)') end end if (Highest_Lowest_Rolls % 2) ~= 0 then Highest_Lowest_Rolls = 4 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Highest/Lowest number of rolls has to be an even number. The value has been reset to '..Highest_Lowest_Rolls) end if Sequence then if Sequence_Minimum < 100 or Sequence_Minimum > 300000 then Sequence_Minimum = 5000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Sequence minimum cash accepted has been reset to '..Sequence_Minimum..' ('..(Sequence_Minimum/1000)..'k)') end if Sequence_Maximum < Sequence_Minimum or Sequence_Maximum > 300000 then Sequence_Maximum = 300000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Sequence maximum cash accepted has been reset to '..Sequence_Maximum..' ('..(Sequence_Maximum/1000)..'k)') end end if Pair_Of_Numbers then if Pair_Of_Numbers_Minimum < 100 or Pair_Of_Numbers_Minimum > 300000 then Pair_Of_Numbers_Minimum = 5000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Pair Of Numbers minimum cash accepted has been reset to '..Pair_Of_Numbers_Minimum..' ('..(Pair_Of_Numbers_Minimum/1000)..'k)') end if Pair_Of_Numbers_Maximum < Pair_Of_Numbers_Minimum or Pair_Of_Numbers_Maximum > 300000 then Pair_Of_Numbers_Maximum = 300000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Pair Of Numbers maximum cash accepted has been reset to '..Pair_Of_Numbers_Maximum..' ('..(Pair_Of_Numbers_Maximum/1000)..'k)') end end if Sum_Of_Numbers then if Sum_Of_Numbers_Minimum < 100 or Sum_Of_Numbers_Minimum > 100000 then Sum_Of_Numbers_Minimum = 5000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Sum Of Numbers minimum cash accepted has been reset to '..Sum_Of_Numbers_Minimum..' ('..(Sum_Of_Numbers_Minimum/1000)..'k)') end if Sum_Of_Numbers_Maximum < Sum_Of_Numbers_Minimum or Sum_Of_Numbers_Maximum > 100000 then Sum_Of_Numbers_Maximum = 100000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Sum Of Numbers maximum cash accepted has been reset to '..Sum_Of_Numbers_Maximum..' ('..(Sum_Of_Numbers_Maximum/1000)..'k)') end end if Beat_That then if Beat_That_Minimum < 100 or Beat_That_Minimum > 200000 then Beat_That_Minimum = 5000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Beat That minimum cash accepted has been reset to '..Beat_That_Minimum..' ('..(Beat_That_Minimum/1000)..'k)') end if Beat_That_Maximum < Beat_That_Minimum or Beat_That_Maximum > 200000 then Beat_That_Maximum = 200000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Beat That maximum cash accepted has been reset to '..Beat_That_Maximum..' ('..(Beat_That_Maximum/1000)..'k)') end end if Blackjack then if Blackjack_Minimum < 100 or Blackjack_Minimum > 200000 then Blackjack_Minimum = 5000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Blackjack minimum cash accepted has been reset to '..Blackjack_Minimum..' ('..(Blackjack_Minimum/1000)..'k)') end if Blackjack_Maximum < Blackjack_Minimum or Blackjack_Maximum > 500000 then Blackjack_Maximum = 500000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Blackjack maximum cash accepted has been reset to '..Blackjack_Maximum..' ('..(Blackjack_Maximum/1000)..'k)') end end if High_Low then if High_Low_Minimum < 100 or High_Low_Minimum > 1000000 then High_Low_Minimum = 5000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. High/Low minimum cash accepted has been reset to '..High_Low_Minimum..' ('..(High_Low_Minimum/1000)..'k)') end if High_Low_Maximum < High_Low_Minimum or High_Low_Maximum > 1000000 then High_Low_Maximum = 500000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. High/Low maximum cash accepted has been reset to '..High_Low_Maximum..' ('..(High_Low_Maximum/1000)..'k)') end end if Odd_Even then if Odd_Even_Minimum < 100 or Odd_Even_Minimum > 1000000 then Odd_Even_Minimum = 5000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Odd/Even minimum cash accepted has been reset to '..Odd_Even_Minimum..' ('..(Odd_Even_Minimum/1000)..'k)') end if Odd_Even_Maximum < Odd_Even_Minimum or Odd_Even_Maximum > 1000000 then Odd_Even_Maximum = 500000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Odd/Even maximum cash accepted has been reset to '..Odd_Even_Maximum..' ('..(Odd_Even_Maximum/1000)..'k)') end end if First_Second_Last then if First_Second_Last_Minimum < 100 or First_Second_Last_Minimum > 200000 then First_Second_Last_Minimum = 5000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. First/Second/Last minimum cash accepted has been reset to '..First_Second_Last_Minimum..' ('..(First_Second_Last_Minimum/1000)..'k)') end if First_Second_Last_Maximum < First_Second_Last_Minimum or First_Second_Last_Maximum > 300000 then First_Second_Last_Maximum = 300000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. First/Second/Last maximum cash accepted has been reset to '..First_Second_Last_Maximum..' ('..(First_Second_Last_Maximum/1000)..'k)') end end if Single_Numbers then if Single_Numbers_Minimum < 100 or Single_Numbers_Minimum > 200000 then Single_Numbers_Minimum = 5000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Single Numbers minimum cash accepted has been reset to '..Single_Numbers_Minimum..' ('..(Single_Numbers_Minimum/1000)..'k)') end if Single_Numbers_Maximum < Single_Numbers_Minimum or Single_Numbers_Maximum > 200000 then Single_Numbers_Maximum = 200000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Single Numbers maximum cash accepted has been reset to '..Single_Numbers_Maximum..' ('..(Single_Numbers_Maximum/1000)..'k)') end end if _Inactivity_Interval < 0 or _Inactivity_Interval > 15 then _Inactivity_Interval = 5 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Minutes inactive has been reset to '.._Inactivity_Interval) end if Blackjack_Payout < 1 or Blackjack_Payout > 100 then Blackjack_Payout = 80 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Blackjack payout has been reset to '..Blackjack_Payout..'%') end if High_Low_Payout < 1 or High_Low_Payout > 100 then High_Low_Payout = 80 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. High/Low payout percent has been reset to '..High_Low_Payout..'%') end if Odd_Even_Payout < 1 or Odd_Even_Payout > 100 then Odd_Even_Payout = 80 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Odd/Even payout percent has been reset to '..Odd_Even_Payout..'%') end if First_Second_Last_Payout < 1 or First_Second_Last_Payout > 300 then First_Second_Last_Payout = 180 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Two digits payout percent has been reset to '..First_Second_Last_Payout..'%') end if Highest_Lowest_Payout < 1 or Highest_Lowest_Payout > 100 then Highest_Lowest_Payout = 80 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Highest/Lowest payout percent has been reset to '..Highest_Lowest_Payout..'%') end if Sequence_Payout < 1 or Sequence_Payout > 300 then Sequence_Payout = 180 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Sequence payout percent has been reset to '..Sequence_Payout..'%') end if Pair_Of_Numbers_Payout < 1 or Pair_Of_Numbers_Payout > 300 then Pair_Of_Numbers_Payout = 180 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Pair Of Numbers payout percent has been reset to '..Pair_Of_Numbers_Payout..'%') end if Sum_Of_Numbers_Payout < 1 or Sum_Of_Numbers_Payout > 1000 then Sum_Of_Numbers_Payout = 1000 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Sum Of Numbers payout percent has been reset to '..Sum_Of_Numbers_Payout..'%') end if Beat_That_Payout < 1 or Beat_That_Payout > 500 then Beat_That_Payout = 360 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Beat That payout percent has been reset to '..Beat_That_Payout..'%') end if Single_Numbers_Payout < 1 or Single_Numbers_Payout > 500 then Single_Numbers_Payout = 360 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Invalid value. Single digits payout percent has been reset to '..Single_Numbers_Payout..'%') end Casino_LogFile = nil if _Debug_UseLog then Casino_LogFile = io.open('..\\Log\\Casino Log ['..Self.Name()..'].txt', 'a+') end Casino_StatisticsFile = nil if _Statistics_UseLog then Casino_StatisticsFile = io.open('..\\Log\\Casino Stats ['..Self.Name()..'].txt', 'a+') Casino_StatisticsFile:write('Date,Rolls,Won,Lost,Outcome,Player,Option,Rolled,Amount,Payout\n') Casino_StatisticsFile:flush() end HEADS_UP_DISPLAY = { AMOUNT_CASH = { DISPLAY_CRYSTAL = { TEXT = HUD(10, 80, 'Crystal Coins', 200, 200, 200), AMOUNT = HUD(140, 80, '0k', 255, 255, 255) }, DISPLAY_PLATINUM = { TEXT = HUD(10, 96, 'Platinum Coins', 200, 200, 200), AMOUNT = HUD(140, 96, '0k', 255, 255, 255) } }, AMOUNT_ITEMS = { DISPLAY_ITEM = { TEXT = HUD(10, 112, 'Items', 200, 200, 200), AMOUNT = HUD(140, 112, '0 (0k)', 255, 255, 255), } }, BETS = { WON = { TEXT = HUD(10, 128, 'Bets Won', 200, 200, 200), AMOUNT = HUD(140, 128, '0 (0k)', 255, 255, 255), AMOUNT_CASH = 0 }, LOST = { TEXT = HUD(10, 144, 'Bets Lost', 200, 200, 200), AMOUNT = HUD(140, 144, '0 (0k)', 255, 255, 255), AMOUNT_CASH = 0 }, OUTCOME = { TEXT = HUD(10, 160, 'OUTCOME', 255, 216, 0), AMOUNT = HUD(140, 160, '0 (0k)', 255, 255, 255), } }, INFORMATION_HEADER = HUD(10, 180, 'INFORMATION', 125, 255, 140), LAST_BID = { TEXT = HUD(10, 200, 'Last Bid', 200, 200, 200), VALUE = HUD(140, 200, '00:00:00', 255, 255, 255) }, SERVER_SAVE = { TEXT = HUD(10, 216, 'Next Server Save', 200, 200, 200), VALUE = HUD(140, 216, '00:00:00', 255, 255, 255) }, TIME_RUNNING = { TEXT = HUD(10, 232, 'Time Running', 200, 200, 200), VALUE = HUD(140, 232, '00:00:00', 255, 255, 255) } } Containers = { Counter = nil, Locker = nil, Depot = nil, Items = nil, Check = nil, Crystal = {}, Platinum = {}, } Coordinates = { Locker = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 }, Player = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 }, Counter = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 }, Adjacent_Locker = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 }, } Last_Amount = { Crystal = 0, Platinum = 0, Items = 0 } Total = { Items = { LastAmountSeen = 0, Amount = 0, Value = 0 } } Bets = { Won = { Raw = 0, Cash = 0 }, Lost = { Raw = 0, Cash = 0 }, Outcome = { Raw = 0, Cash = 0 } } Gambling_Depots = { Yalahar = { { Name = 'Spot1', HouseSwitch = {32793,31251,7}, HouseDepot = {32793,31252,7}, PlayerSwitch = {32795,31251,7}, PlayerDepot = {32795,31252,7}, Counter = {32794,31252,7} }, { Name = 'Spot2', HouseSwitch = {32793,31244,7}, HouseDepot = {32793,31243,7}, PlayerSwitch = {32795,31244,7}, PlayerDepot = {32795,31243,7}, Counter = {32794,31243,7} }, { Name = 'Spot3', HouseSwitch = {32789,31251,7}, HouseDepot = {32789,31252,7}, PlayerSwitch = {32791,31251,7}, PlayerDepot = {32791,31252,7}, Counter = {32790,31252,7} }, { Name = 'Spot4', HouseSwitch = {32789,31244,7}, HouseDepot = {32789,31243,7}, PlayerSwitch = {32791,31244,7}, PlayerDepot = {32791,31243,7}, Counter = {32790,31243,7} }, { Name = 'Spot5', HouseSwitch = {32785,31251,7}, HouseDepot = {32785,31252,7}, PlayerSwitch = {32787,31251,7}, PlayerDepot = {32787,31252,7}, Counter = {32786,31252,7} }, { Name = 'Spot6', HouseSwitch = {32785,31244,7}, HouseDepot = {32785,31243,7}, PlayerSwitch = {32787,31244,7}, PlayerDepot = {32787,31243,7}, Counter = {32786,31243,7} }, { Name = 'Spot7', HouseSwitch = {32781,31251,7}, HouseDepot = {32781,31252,7}, PlayerSwitch = {32783,31251,7}, PlayerDepot = {32783,31252,7}, Counter = {32782,31252,7} }, { Name = 'Spot8', HouseSwitch = {32781,31244,7}, HouseDepot = {32781,31243,7}, PlayerSwitch = {32783,31244,7}, PlayerDepot = {32783,31243,7}, Counter = {32782,31243,7} }, { Name = 'Spot9', HouseSwitch = {32793,31251,6}, HouseDepot = {32793,31252,6}, PlayerSwitch = {32795,31251,6}, PlayerDepot = {32795,31252,6}, Counter = {32794,31252,6} }, { Name = 'Spot10', HouseSwitch = {32793,31244,6}, HouseDepot = {32793,31243,6}, PlayerSwitch = {32795,31244,6}, PlayerDepot = {32795,31243,6}, Counter = {32794,31243,6} }, { Name = 'Spot11', HouseSwitch = {32789,31251,6}, HouseDepot = {32789,31252,6}, PlayerSwitch = {32791,31251,6}, PlayerDepot = {32791,31252,6}, Counter = {32790,31252,6} }, { Name = 'Spot12', HouseSwitch = {32789,31244,6}, HouseDepot = {32789,31243,6}, PlayerSwitch = {32791,31244,6}, PlayerDepot = {32791,31243,6}, Counter = {32790,31243,6} }, { Name = 'Spot13', HouseSwitch = {32785,31251,6}, HouseDepot = {32785,31252,6}, PlayerSwitch = {32787,31251,6}, PlayerDepot = {32787,31252,6}, Counter = {32786,31252,6} }, { Name = 'Spot14', HouseSwitch = {32785,31244,6}, HouseDepot = {32785,31243,6}, PlayerSwitch = {32787,31244,6}, PlayerDepot = {32787,31243,6}, Counter = {32786,31243,6} }, { Name = 'Spot15', HouseSwitch = {32781,31251,6}, HouseDepot = {32781,31252,6}, PlayerSwitch = {32783,31251,6}, PlayerDepot = {32783,31252,6}, Counter = {32782,31252,6} }, { Name = 'Spot16', HouseSwitch = {32781,31244,6}, HouseDepot = {32781,31243,6}, PlayerSwitch = {32783,31244,6}, PlayerDepot = {32783,31243,6}, Counter = {32782,31243,6} }, }, Thais = { { Name = 'Spot17', HouseSwitch = {32352,32226,7}, HouseDepot = {32352,32225,7}, PlayerSwitch = {32354,32226,7}, PlayerDepot = {32354,32225,7}, Counter = {32353,32225,7} }, { Name = 'Spot18', HouseSwitch = {32352,32230,7}, HouseDepot = {32352,32231,7}, PlayerSwitch = {32354,32230,7}, PlayerDepot = {32354,32231,7}, Counter = {32353,32231,7} }, { Name = 'Spot19', HouseSwitch = {32352,32226,6}, HouseDepot = {32352,32225,6}, PlayerSwitch = {32354,32226,6}, PlayerDepot = {32354,32225,6}, Counter = {32353,32225,6} }, { Name = 'Spot20', HouseSwitch = {32352,32230,6}, HouseDepot = {32352,32231,6}, PlayerSwitch = {32354,32230,6}, PlayerDepot = {32354,32231,6}, Counter = {32353,32231,6} }, { Name = 'Spot21', HouseSwitch = {32344,32226,6}, HouseDepot = {32344,32225,6}, PlayerSwitch = {32346,32226,6}, PlayerDepot = {32346,32225,6}, Counter = {32345,32225,6} }, { Name = 'Spot22', HouseSwitch = {32344,32230,6}, HouseDepot = {32344,32231,6}, PlayerSwitch = {32346,32230,6}, PlayerDepot = {32346,32231,6}, Counter = {32345,32231,6} }, { Name = 'Spot23', HouseSwitch = {32348,32219,6}, HouseDepot = {32348,32218,6}, PlayerSwitch = {32350,32219,6}, PlayerDepot = {32350,32218,6}, Counter = {32349,32218,6} }, { Name = 'Spot24', HouseSwitch = {32344,32219,6}, HouseDepot = {32344,32218,6}, PlayerSwitch = {32346,32219,6}, PlayerDepot = {32346,32218,6}, Counter = {32345,32218,6} }, { Name = 'Spot25', HouseSwitch = {32352,32226,5}, HouseDepot = {32352,32225,5}, PlayerSwitch = {32354,32226,5}, PlayerDepot = {32354,32225,5}, Counter = {32353,32225,5} }, { Name = 'Spot26', HouseSwitch = {32352,32230,5}, HouseDepot = {32352,32231,5}, PlayerSwitch = {32354,32230,5}, PlayerDepot = {32354,32231,5}, Counter = {32353,32231,5} }, { Name = 'Spot27', HouseSwitch = {32344,32226,5}, HouseDepot = {32344,32225,5}, PlayerSwitch = {32346,32226,5}, PlayerDepot = {32346,32225,5}, Counter = {32345,32225,5} }, { Name = 'Spot28', HouseSwitch = {32344,32230,5}, HouseDepot = {32344,32231,5}, PlayerSwitch = {32346,32230,5}, PlayerDepot = {32346,32231,5}, Counter = {32345,32231,5} }, { Name = 'Spot29', HouseSwitch = {32348,32219,5}, HouseDepot = {32348,32218,5}, PlayerSwitch = {32350,32219,5}, PlayerDepot = {32350,32218,5}, Counter = {32349,32218,5} }, { Name = 'Spot30', HouseSwitch = {32344,32219,5}, HouseDepot = {32344,32218,5}, PlayerSwitch = {32346,32219,5}, PlayerDepot = {32346,32218,5}, Counter = {32345,32218,5} }, }, Venore = { { Name = 'Spot31', HouseSwitch = {32920,32069,7}, HouseDepot = {32920,32068,7}, PlayerSwitch = {32922,32069,7}, PlayerDepot = {32922,32068,7}, Counter = {32921,32068,7} }, { Name = 'Spot32', HouseSwitch = {32915,32069,7}, HouseDepot = {32915,32068,7}, PlayerSwitch = {32917,32069,7}, PlayerDepot = {32917,32068,7}, Counter = {32916,32068,7} }, { Name = 'Spot33', HouseSwitch = {32911,32072,7}, HouseDepot = {32911,32071,7}, PlayerSwitch = {32913,32072,7}, PlayerDepot = {32913,32071,7}, Counter = {32912,32071,7} }, { Name = 'Spot34', HouseSwitch = {32924,32072,7}, HouseDepot = {32924,32071,7}, PlayerSwitch = {32926,32072,7}, PlayerDepot = {32926,32071,7}, Counter = {32925,32071,7} }, { Name = 'Spot35', HouseSwitch = {32928,32072,7}, HouseDepot = {32928,32071,7}, PlayerSwitch = {32930,32072,7}, PlayerDepot = {32930,32071,7}, Counter = {32929,32071,7} }, { Name = 'Spot36', HouseSwitch = {32928,32081,7}, HouseDepot = {32928,32082,7}, PlayerSwitch = {32930,32081,7}, PlayerDepot = {32930,32082,7}, Counter = {32929,32082,7} }, { Name = 'Spot37', HouseSwitch = {32924,32081,7}, HouseDepot = {32924,32082,7}, PlayerSwitch = {32926,32081,7}, PlayerDepot = {32926,32082,7}, Counter = {32925,32082,7} }, { Name = 'Spot38', HouseSwitch = {32919,32081,7}, HouseDepot = {32919,32082,7}, PlayerSwitch = {32921,32081,7}, PlayerDepot = {32921,32082,7}, Counter = {32920,32082,7} }, { Name = 'Spot39', HouseSwitch = {32915,32081,7}, HouseDepot = {32915,32082,7}, PlayerSwitch = {32917,32081,7}, PlayerDepot = {32917,32082,7}, Counter = {32916,32082,7} }, { Name = 'Spot40', HouseSwitch = {32910,32081,7}, HouseDepot = {32910,32082,7}, PlayerSwitch = {32912,32081,7}, PlayerDepot = {32912,32082,7}, Counter = {32911,32082,7} }, -- TEST { Name = 'Spot41', HouseSwitch = {32664,31906,8}, HouseDepot = {32665,31906,8}, PlayerSwitch = {32664,31904,8}, PlayerDepot = {32665,31904,8}, Counter = {32665,31905,8} }, { Name = 'Spot42', HouseSwitch = {32833,31769,10}, HouseDepot = {32834,31769,10}, PlayerSwitch = {32833,31767,10}, PlayerDepot = {32834,31767,10}, Counter = {32834,31768,10} }, } } Dustbin_Locations = { {32790,31248,7}, {32782,31248,7}, {32790,31248,6}, {32782,31248,6}, } Time_Now = os.date("*t") Server_Save_Hour, Server_Save_Minutes = _Extra_ServerSave:match("(.+).+)") Server_Save = ((Server_Save_Hour + 0) * 3600) + ((Server_Save_Minutes + 0) * 60) if Server_Save <= ((Time_Now.hour * 3600) + (Time_Now.min * 60) + Time_Now.sec) then Server_Save_TimeLeft = (Server_Save + 24 * 3600) - ((Time_Now.hour * 3600) + (Time_Now.min * 60) + Time_Now.sec) else Server_Save_TimeLeft = Server_Save - ((Time_Now.hour * 3600) + (Time_Now.min * 60) + Time_Now.sec) end Accepted_Items_List = {} if Accept_Items then for _, item in ipairs(Items_List) do local AlreadyExists = false local id = Item.GetID(item.Name) for _, item_accepted in ipairs(Accepted_Items_List) do if item_accepted then if item_accepted.ID == id then AlreadyExists = true end end end if not AlreadyExists then if id == 3549 then table.insert(Accepted_Items_List, {ID = 6529, Value = item.Value}) elseif id == 9018 then table.insert(Accepted_Items_List, {ID = 9019, Value = item.Value}) end table.insert(Accepted_Items_List, {ID = id, Value = item.Value}) else ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Skipped item name duplicated in the list: '..item.Name) end end end for index, name in ipairs(_Remote_AdminName) do _Remote_AdminName[index] = name:lower() end registerEventListener(WALKER_SELECTLABEL, 'onWalkLabel') Winning_Item_ID = Item.GetID(Winning_Item) Losing_Item_ID = Item.GetID(Losing_Item) _Decoration_Item_ID = _Decoration_Enabled and Item.GetID(_Decoration_Item) or 0 Player_Option = nil Player_Balance = 0 Dustbin_Trash = {283, 284, 285, 3031, 3492, 3507} Dice_IDs = {5792, 5793, 5794, 5795, 5796, 5797} Locker_IDs = {3497, 3498, 3499, 3500} Money_IDs = {3035, 3043} Game_Types = { Sum = { Choice = 0 }, BeatThat = { Choice = 0 } } CipsoftMembers = {'akananto', 'angarvazar', 'argeia', 'bolfrim', 'bolkar', 'count tofifti', 'craban', 'delany', 'denson larika', 'drudak', 'durin', 'dynacor', 'gandareva', 'isolan', 'karvar', 'knightmare', 'lionet', 'lokana aldora', 'luciumar', 'lyxoph', 'manina', 'master tutor', 'mirade', 'nyrogun', 'penciljack', 'ramrod on aldora', 'rejana', 'sidnia', 'siramal', 'solkrin', 'stephan', 'steve', 'tavaren', 'teyrata', 'tjured', 'ulairi', 'umrath'} PybfrPyvrag = false Last_Broadcast = os.time() Last_Message = os.time() Last_Bid = os.time() SkipRollingProcess = false Player_Detected = false Last_Player = nil Last_Party_Hat = os.time() Last_Activity = os.time() Last_Activity_Player_In_Spot = os.time() Time_Script_Started = os.time() OpeningNestedContainers = false GoCheckDown = false ManualStop = false Casino_Loaded = false Processing_Data = false Processing_Effect = false Take_Cash_Signal = false Count_Cash_Signal = false Roll_Dice_Signal = false EffectProxyMessage = nil LocalProxyMessage = nil Sum_Of_Numbers_In_Progress = false Sum_Of_Numbers_Roll_Count = 0 Sum_Of_Numbers_Sum = 0 Beat_That_In_Progress = false Beat_That_Roll_Count = 0 Beat_That_Sum = 0 Highest_Lowest_In_Progress = false Highest_Lowest_Roll_Count = 0 Highest_Lowest_First_Sum = 0 Highest_Lowest_Second_Sum = 0 Sequence_In_Progress = false Sequence_Roll_Count = 0 Sequence_Count = 0 Blackjack_In_Progress = false Blackjack_Roll_Count = 0 Blackjack_Player_Count = 0 Blackjack_Dealer_Count = 0 Pay_Cash_Signal = 0 Play_Instrument_Signal = 0 Authenticate_Cash_Check = 0 Dice_Rolled_Check = 0 Winning_Item_Check = 0 Losing_Item_Check = 0 Payment_Give_Signal = false Payment_Given_Check = { Crystal = 0, Crystal_Amount = 0, Platinum = 0, Platinum_Amount = 0 } function ResetValues() Play_Instrument_Signal = 0 Processing_Data = false Player_Option = nil Last_Activity = os.time() Last_Bid = os.time() Blackjack_In_Progress = false Blackjack_Player_Count = 0 Blackjack_Dealer_Count = 0 Game_Types.Sum.Choice = 0 Sum_Of_Numbers_In_Progress = false Sum_Of_Numbers_Roll_Count = 0 Sum_Of_Numbers_Sum = 0 Game_Types.BeatThat.Choice = 0 Beat_That_In_Progress = false Beat_That_Roll_Count = 0 Beat_That_Sum = 0 Highest_Lowest_In_Progress = false Highest_Lowest_Roll_Count = 0 Highest_Lowest_First_Sum = 0 Highest_Lowest_Second_Sum = 0 Sequence_In_Progress = false Sequence_Roll_Count = 0 Sequence_Count = 0 end function WorkloadExecutionInterval() if _Extra_WorkloadExecution == 'fast' then return 1 elseif _Extra_WorkloadExecution == 'medium' then return 4 elseif _Extra_WorkloadExecution == 'slow' then return 8 else return 2 end end function ripairs(t) local max = 1 while t[max] do max = max + 1 end local function ripairs_it(t, i) i = i-1 local v = t[i] if v then return i,v else return nil end end return ripairs_it, t, max end function SendMessage(player, text, yell) if _Interactive_Messages then if os.difftime(os.time(), Last_Message) >= 2 then if _Interaction_PrivateMessages then SendPrivateMessage(text, player, true) ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Send private message to '..player..': "'..text..'"') else if yell then Self.Yell(text) else Self.Say(text) end ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Send message: "'..text..'"') end Last_Message = os.time() end end end function SendPrivateMessage(text, player, display) if os.difftime(os.time(), Last_Message) >= 2 then Self.PrivateMessage(player, text) if display then ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Send private message to '..player..': "'..text..'"') end Last_Message = os.time() end end function CheckAvailableDepots() local AvailableDepots = {} local posx, posy, posz = Self.Position().x, Self.Position().y, Self.Position().z for _, spot in ipairs(Gambling_Depots.Yalahar) do if spot["HouseSwitch"][3] == Self.Position().z then local xDistHouse, xDistPlayer = math.abs(spot["HouseSwitch"][1] - posx), math.abs(spot["PlayerSwitch"][1] - posx) local yDistHouse, yDistPlayer = math.abs(spot["HouseSwitch"][2] - posy), math.abs(spot["PlayerSwitch"][2] - posy) if xDistHouse <= 7 and xDistPlayer <= 7 then if yDistHouse <= 5 and yDistPlayer <= 5 then local addSpot = true for _, creature in Creature.iPlayers() do if (creature:Position().x == spot["HouseSwitch"][1] and creature:Position().y == spot["HouseSwitch"][2] and creature:Position().z == posz) or (creature:Position().x == spot["PlayerSwitch"][1] and creature:Position().y == spot["PlayerSwitch"][2] and creature:Position().z == posz) then addSpot = false break end end if addSpot then table.insert(AvailableDepots, spot) end end end end end ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'The script found '..#AvailableDepots..' available depots') return AvailableDepots end function UpdateCoordinates() local posx, posy, posz = Self.Position().x, Self.Position().y, Self.Position().z local spot = nil if not spot then for _, gamblingSpot in ipairs(Gambling_Depots.Yalahar) do if posx == gamblingSpot["HouseSwitch"][1] and posy == gamblingSpot["HouseSwitch"][2] and posz == gamblingSpot["HouseSwitch"][3] then spot = gamblingSpot break end end end if not spot then for _, gamblingSpot in ipairs(Gambling_Depots.Thais) do if posx == gamblingSpot["HouseSwitch"][1] and posy == gamblingSpot["HouseSwitch"][2] and posz == gamblingSpot["HouseSwitch"][3] then spot = gamblingSpot break end end end if not spot then for _, gamblingSpot in ipairs(Gambling_Depots.Venore) do if posx == gamblingSpot["HouseSwitch"][1] and posy == gamblingSpot["HouseSwitch"][2] and posz == gamblingSpot["HouseSwitch"][3] then spot = gamblingSpot break end end end if spot then Coordinates.Locker.x, Coordinates.Locker.y, Coordinates.Locker.z = spot["HouseDepot"][1], spot["HouseDepot"][2], spot["HouseDepot"][3] Coordinates.Player.x, Coordinates.Player.y, Coordinates.Player.z = spot["PlayerSwitch"][1], spot["PlayerSwitch"][2], spot["PlayerSwitch"][3] Coordinates.Counter.x, Coordinates.Counter.y, Coordinates.Counter.z = spot["Counter"][1], spot["Counter"][2], spot["Counter"][3] Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.x, Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.y, Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.z = spot["PlayerDepot"][1], spot["PlayerDepot"][2], spot["PlayerDepot"][3] return true end return false end function onWalkLabel(labelName) local newLocation = false if (labelName == 'CheckDepotsDown') then local AvailableDepots = CheckAvailableDepots() if (#AvailableDepots > 0) then gotoLabel(AvailableDepots[1]["Name"]) else gotoLabel('StairsUp') end elseif (labelName == 'CheckDepotsUp') then if GoCheckDown then gotoLabel('StairsDown') else local AvailableDepots = CheckAvailableDepots() if (#AvailableDepots > 0) then gotoLabel(AvailableDepots[1]["Name"]) else gotoLabel('StairsDown') end end elseif (labelName == 'CheckDownstairs') then gotoLabel('GroundFloor') elseif (labelName == 'CheckUpstairs') then gotoLabel('FirstFloor') elseif (labelName == 'StairsDown') then GoCheckDown = false elseif (labelName == 'CheckSpot1') or (labelName == 'CheckSpot2') or (labelName == 'CheckSpot3') or (labelName == 'CheckSpot4') or (labelName == 'CheckSpot5') or (labelName == 'CheckSpot6') or (labelName == 'CheckSpot7') or (labelName == 'CheckSpot8') or (labelName == 'CheckSpot9') or (labelName == 'CheckSpot10') or (labelName == 'CheckSpot11') or (labelName == 'CheckSpot12') or (labelName == 'CheckSpot13') or (labelName == 'CheckSpot14') or (labelName == 'CheckSpot15') or (labelName == 'CheckSpot16') then newLocation = UpdateCoordinates() end if newLocation then setWalkerEnabled(false) if Open_Containers() then CheckDiceAndDecoration() Last_Activity = os.time() Total.Items.LastAmountSeen = 0 Total.Items.Amount = 0 Total.Items.Value = 0 Casino_Loaded = true ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'The character has been placed in a new depot') end end end function Count_Platinum_Extended() if #Containers.Platinum > 0 then local total = 0 for _, container in ipairs(Containers.Platinum) do total = total + container:CountItemsOfID(3035) end return total end return 0 end function Count_Crystal_Extended() if #Containers.Crystal > 0 then local total = 0 for _, container in ipairs(Containers.Crystal) do total = total + container:CountItemsOfID(3043) end return total end return 0 end function Count_Extended(container, IDs) if container then local tempTotal = 0 for _, itemID in ipairs(IDs) do tempTotal = tempTotal + container:CountItemsOfID(itemID) end return tempTotal end return 0 end function CheckDiceAndDecoration() PickUpDiceAndDecoration() if _Decoration_Enabled then if _Decoration_Item_ID > 0 then if Count_Extended(Containers.Depot, {_Decoration_Item_ID}) > 0 then for itemDepotChest = Containers.Depot:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local tempItemDepotChest = Containers.Depot:GetItemData(itemDepotChest) if _Decoration_Item_ID == tempItemDepotChest.id then while Containers.Depot:MoveItemToGround(itemDepotChest, Coordinates.Locker.x, Coordinates.Locker.y, Coordinates.Locker.z, 1) ~= 1 do end wait(1000 + Self.Ping()) break end end end end end if Count_Extended(Containers.Depot, Dice_IDs) > 0 then for itemDepotChest = Containers.Depot:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local tempItemDepotChest = Containers.Depot:GetItemData(itemDepotChest) if table.contains(Dice_IDs, tempItemDepotChest.id) then while Containers.Depot:MoveItemToGround(itemDepotChest, Coordinates.Locker.x, Coordinates.Locker.y, Coordinates.Locker.z, 1) ~= 1 do end wait(1000 + Self.Ping()) break end end end LocalProxyMessage = nil EffectProxyMessage = nil end function PickUpDiceAndDecoration(container) if (Containers.Locker and Containers.Depot) then if Count_Extended(Containers.Locker, Dice_IDs) > 0 then for itemLocker = Containers.Locker:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do if itemLocker > 28 then itemLocker = 28 end local tempItemLocker = Containers.Locker:GetItemData(itemLocker) if table.contains(Dice_IDs, tempItemLocker.id) then while Containers.Locker:MoveItemToContainer(itemLocker, Containers.Depot:Index(), 0) ~= 1 do end wait(1000 + Self.Ping()) break end end end if _Decoration_Enabled then if _Decoration_Item_ID > 0 then if Count_Extended(Containers.Locker, {_Decoration_Item_ID}) > 0 then for itemLocker = Containers.Locker:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do if itemLocker > 28 then itemLocker = 28 end local tempItemLocker = Containers.Locker:GetItemData(itemLocker) if _Decoration_Item_ID == tempItemLocker.id then while Containers.Locker:MoveItemToContainer(itemLocker, Containers.Depot:Index(), 0) ~= 1 do end wait(1000 + Self.Ping()) break end end end end end end end function Open_Containers() local tries = 10 while #Container.GetAll() > 0 do for i = 0, 15 do closeContainer(i) end end while #Container.GetAll() < 5 or tries > 0 do while #Container.GetAll() > 0 do for i = 0, 15 do closeContainer(i) end end Client.HideEquipment() if Self.BrowseField(Coordinates.Counter.x, Coordinates.Counter.y, Coordinates.Counter.z) == 1 then wait(500 + Self.Ping()) Containers.Counter = Container(_OpenTibia and _OpenTibia_Indexes[1] - 1 or 0) Containers.Counter:Minimize() wait(100) Client.HideEquipment() ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Counter browse field opened') if Self.BrowseField(Coordinates.Locker.x, Coordinates.Locker.y, Coordinates.Locker.z) == 1 then wait(500 + Self.Ping()) Containers.Locker = Container(_OpenTibia and _OpenTibia_Indexes[2] - 1 or 1) Containers.Locker:Minimize() wait(100) Client.HideEquipment() ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Locker browse field opened') if table.contains(Locker_IDs, Containers.Locker:GetItemData(0).id) then Containers.Locker:OpenChildren({Containers.Locker:GetItemData(0).id, false}) wait(500 + Self.Ping()) if Container(_OpenTibia and _OpenTibia_Indexes[3] - 1 or 2):UseItem(0, true) == 1 then local index = 0 wait(500 + Self.Ping()) Containers.Depot = Container(_OpenTibia and _OpenTibia_Indexes[3] - 1 or 2) Containers.Depot:Minimize() wait(100 + Self.Ping()) if Accept_Items then Client.HideEquipment() if Count_Extended(Containers.Depot, {Item.GetID(_Containers_Items)}) > 0 then for i = 0, Containers.Depot:ItemCount()-1 do local item = Containers.Depot:GetItemData(i) if item.id == Item.GetID(_Containers_Items) then local opento = Container.GetFreeSlot() while (Containers.Depot:UseItem(i) ~= 1) do wait(300 + Self.Ping()) end wait(500 + Self.Ping()) Containers.Items = Container(opento) Containers.Items:Minimize() wait(100 + Self.Ping()) ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Items container opened') break end end else ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Error. Items container not found: '.._Containers_Items) return false end end Client.HideEquipment() index = 1 if Count_Extended(Containers.Depot, {Item.GetID(_Containers_CrystalCoins)}) > 0 then for i = 0, Containers.Depot:ItemCount()-1 do if index < 3 then local item = Containers.Depot:GetItemData(i) if item.id == Item.GetID(_Containers_CrystalCoins) then local opento = Container.GetFreeSlot() while (Containers.Depot:UseItem(i) ~= 1) do wait(300 + Self.Ping()) end wait(500 + Self.Ping()) Containers.Crystal[index] = Container(opento) Containers.Crystal[index]:Minimize() wait(100 + Self.Ping()) index = index + 1 end else break end end else ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Error. Crystal coins containers not found: '.._Containers_CrystalCoins) return false end Client.HideEquipment() ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Crystal coins containers opened') index = 1 if Count_Extended(Containers.Depot, {Item.GetID(_Containers_PlatinumCoins)}) > 0 then for i = 0, Containers.Depot:ItemCount()-1 do if index < 8 then local item = Containers.Depot:GetItemData(i) if item.id == Item.GetID(_Containers_PlatinumCoins) then local opento = Container.GetFreeSlot() while (Containers.Depot:UseItem(i) ~= 1) do wait(300 + Self.Ping()) end wait(500 + Self.Ping()) Containers.Platinum[index] = Container(opento) Containers.Platinum[index]:Minimize() wait(100 + Self.Ping()) index = index + 1 end else break end end else ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Error. Platinum coins container not found: '.._Containers_PlatinumCoins) return false end wait(500 + Self.Ping()) Client.HideEquipment() ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Platinum coins containers opened') ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'All containers were loaded successfully') return true end end end end tries = tries - 1 end return false end ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'Script loaded successfully') Module('PlayerDectectionSystem', function(Mod) if Casino_Loaded then if not Processing_Data then local foundPlayer = false for name, creature in Creature.iPlayers(2) do if (creature:Position().x == Coordinates.Player.x and creature:Position().y == Coordinates.Player.y and creature:Position().z == Coordinates.Player.z) then foundPlayer = true if Last_Player ~= creature:Name() then Last_Activity_Player_In_Spot = os.time() Last_Player = creature:Name() SendMessage(Last_Player, Welcome_Messages[math.random(1,#Welcome_Messages)]:gsub('%[player%]', Last_Player), false) end break end end Player_Detected = foundPlayer if Player_Detected then creature = Creature(Last_Player) if creature then if (creature:Position().x < Self.Position().x) then if (Self.LookDirection() ~= WEST) then Self.Turn(WEST) end elseif (creature:Position().x > Self.Position().x) then if (Self.LookDirection() ~= EAST) then Self.Turn(EAST) end elseif (creature:Position().y < Self.Position().y) then if (Self.LookDirection() ~= NORTH) then Self.Turn(NORTH) end elseif (creature:Position().y > Self.Position().y) then if (Self.LookDirection() ~= SOUTH) then Self.Turn(SOUTH) end else ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Error. Self character is the potential gambler') end end else if Coordinates.Locker.y < Self.Position().y then if (Self.LookDirection() ~= SOUTH) then Last_Activity_Player_In_Spot = os.time() Last_Player = nil Self.Turn(SOUTH) end elseif Coordinates.Locker.y > Self.Position().y then if (Self.LookDirection() ~= NORTH) then Last_Activity_Player_In_Spot = os.time() Last_Player = nil Self.Turn(NORTH) end elseif Coordinates.Locker.x < Self.Position().x then if (Self.LookDirection() ~= EAST) then Last_Activity_Player_In_Spot = os.time() Last_Player = nil Self.Turn(EAST) end elseif Coordinates.Locker.x > Self.Position().x then if (Self.LookDirection() ~= WEST) then Last_Activity_Player_In_Spot = os.time() Last_Player = nil Self.Turn(WEST) end else ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Error. Self character is located on locker') end end end end Mod:Delay(WorkloadExecutionInterval()*800) end) Module('AntiTrashSystem', function(Mod) if Casino_Loaded then if not Processing_Data then for itemCounter = Containers.Counter:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do if itemCounter > 28 then itemCounter = 28 end local tempItemCounter = Containers.Counter:GetItemData(itemCounter) if not table.contains(Money_IDs, tempItemCounter.id) then local isAcceptedItem = false if Accept_Items then for _, Accepted_Item in ipairs (Accepted_Items_List) do if Accepted_Item.ID == tempItemCounter.id then isAcceptedItem = true break end end end if not isAcceptedItem then if not table.contains(Dustbin_Trash, tempItemCounter.id) then Containers.Counter:MoveItemToGround(itemCounter, Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.x, Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.y, Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.z, tempItemCounter.count) ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Anti-Trash | ['..tempItemCounter.id..'] '..tempItemCounter.count..' '..Item.GetName(tempItemCounter.id)..' - Counter >> Adjacent Locker ['..Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.x..', '..Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.y..', '..Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.z..']') break else local ClosestDustbin = 20 local ClosestDustbinLocation = {} for _, dustbin in ipairs(Dustbin_Locations) do local xDist = math.abs(dustbin[1] - Self.Position().x) local yDist = math.abs(dustbin[2] - Self.Position().y) if xDist <= 7 and yDist <= 5 and dustbin[3] == Self.Position().z then if ClosestDustbin > xDist then ClosestDustbin = xDist ClosestDustbinLocation = dustbin elseif ClosestDustbin > yDist then ClosestDustbin = yDist ClosestDustbinLocation = dustbin end end end if ClosestDustbinLocation and ClosestDustbin < 20 then Containers.Counter:MoveItemToGround(itemCounter, ClosestDustbinLocation[1], ClosestDustbinLocation[2], ClosestDustbinLocation[3], tempItemCounter.count) ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Anti-Trash | ['..tempItemCounter.id..'] '..tempItemCounter.count..' '..Item.GetName(tempItemCounter.id)..' - Counter >> Dustbin ['..ClosestDustbinLocation[1]..', '..ClosestDustbinLocation[2]..', '..ClosestDustbinLocation[3]..']') break else Containers.Counter:MoveItemToGround(itemCounter, Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.x, Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.y, Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.z, tempItemCounter.count) ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Anti-Trash | ['..tempItemCounter.id..'] '..tempItemCounter.count..' '..Item.GetName(tempItemCounter.id)..' - Counter >> Adjacent Locker ['..Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.x..', '..Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.y..', '..Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.z..']') break end end end break end end for itemLocker = Containers.Locker:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do if itemLocker > 28 then itemLocker = 28 end local tempItemLocker = Containers.Locker:GetItemData(itemLocker) if not table.contains(Locker_IDs, tempItemLocker.id) then if not table.contains(Money_IDs, tempItemLocker.id) then if (_Decoration_Enabled and _Decoration_Item_ID ~= 0 and _Decoration_Item_ID ~= tempItemLocker.id) or not _Decoration_Enabled or _Decoration_Item_ID == 0 or (_Decoration_Enabled and _Decoration_Item_ID ~= 0 and Count_Extended(Containers.Locker, {_Decoration_Item_ID}) > 1) then if not table.contains(Dice_IDs, tempItemLocker.id) then if not table.contains(Dustbin_Trash, tempItemLocker.id) then if (_Decoration_Item_ID == tempItemLocker.id) then Containers.Locker:MoveItemToGround(itemLocker, Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.x, Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.y, Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.z, tempItemLocker.count-1) else Containers.Locker:MoveItemToGround(itemLocker, Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.x, Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.y, Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.z, tempItemLocker.count) end ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Anti-Trash | ['..tempItemLocker.id..'] '..tempItemLocker.count..' '..Item.GetName(tempItemLocker.id)..' - Locker >> Adjacent Locker ['..Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.x..', '..Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.y..', '..Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.z..']') break else local ClosestDustbin = 20 local ClosestDustbinLocation = {} for _, dustbin in ipairs(Dustbin_Locations) do local xDist = math.abs(dustbin[1] - Self.Position().x) local yDist = math.abs(dustbin[2] - Self.Position().y) if xDist <= 7 and yDist <= 5 and dustbin[3] == Self.Position().z then if ClosestDustbin > xDist then ClosestDustbin = xDist ClosestDustbinLocation = dustbin elseif ClosestDustbin > yDist then ClosestDustbin = yDist ClosestDustbinLocation = dustbin end end end if ClosestDustbinLocation and ClosestDustbin < 20 then if (_Decoration_Item_ID == tempItemLocker.id) then Containers.Locker:MoveItemToGround(itemLocker, ClosestDustbinLocation[1], ClosestDustbinLocation[2], ClosestDustbinLocation[3], tempItemLocker.count-1) else Containers.Locker:MoveItemToGround(itemLocker, ClosestDustbinLocation[1], ClosestDustbinLocation[2], ClosestDustbinLocation[3], tempItemLocker.count) end ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Anti-Trash | ['..tempItemLocker.id..'] '..tempItemLocker.count..' '..Item.GetName(tempItemLocker.id)..' - Locker >> Dustbin ['..ClosestDustbinLocation[1]..', '..ClosestDustbinLocation[2]..', '..ClosestDustbinLocation[3]..']') break else if (_Decoration_Item_ID == tempItemLocker.id) then Containers.Locker:MoveItemToGround(itemLocker, Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.x, Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.y, Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.z, tempItemLocker.count-1) else Containers.Locker:MoveItemToGround(itemLocker, Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.x, Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.y, Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.z, tempItemLocker.count) end ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Anti-Trash | ['..tempItemLocker.id..'] '..tempItemLocker.count..' '..Item.GetName(tempItemLocker.id)..' - Locker >> Adjacent Locker ['..Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.x..', '..Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.y..', '..Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.z..']') break end end else if Count_Extended(Containers.Locker, Dice_IDs) > 1 then if Containers.Items and Accept_Items then Containers.Locker:MoveItemToContainer(itemLocker,Containers.Items:Index(),Containers.Items:ItemCapacity()-1, 1) ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Anti-Trash | ['..tempItemLocker.id..'] '..tempItemLocker.count..' '..Item.GetName(tempItemLocker.id)..' - Locker >> Items Container ['..Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.x..', '..Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.y..', '..Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.z..']') break else local ClosestDustbin = 20 local ClosestDustbinLocation = {} for _, dustbin in ipairs(Dustbin_Locations) do local xDist = math.abs(dustbin[1] - Self.Position().x) local yDist = math.abs(dustbin[2] - Self.Position().y) if xDist <= 7 and yDist <= 5 and dustbin[3] == Self.Position().z then if ClosestDustbin > xDist then ClosestDustbin = xDist ClosestDustbinLocation = dustbin elseif ClosestDustbin > yDist then ClosestDustbin = yDist ClosestDustbinLocation = dustbin end end end if ClosestDustbinLocation and ClosestDustbin < 20 then Containers.Locker:MoveItemToGround(itemLocker, ClosestDustbinLocation[1], ClosestDustbinLocation[2], ClosestDustbinLocation[3], tempItemLocker.count) ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Anti-Trash | ['..tempItemLocker.id..'] '..tempItemLocker.count..' '..Item.GetName(tempItemLocker.id)..' - Locker >> Dustbin ['..ClosestDustbinLocation[1]..', '..ClosestDustbinLocation[2]..', '..ClosestDustbinLocation[3]..']') break else Containers.Locker:MoveItemToContainer(itemLocker,Containers.Items:Index(),Containers.Items:ItemCapacity()-1, 1) ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Anti-Trash | ['..tempItemLocker.id..'] '..tempItemLocker.count..' '..Item.GetName(tempItemLocker.id)..' - Locker >> Items Container ['..Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.x..', '..Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.y..', '..Coordinates.Adjacent_Locker.z..']') break end end end end end else Containers.Locker:MoveItemToGround(itemLocker,Coordinates.Counter.x,Coordinates.Counter.y,Coordinates.Counter.z,tempItemLocker.count) break end end end end end Mod:Delay(WorkloadExecutionInterval()*800) end) if _Effects_Enabled then Module('EffectsSystem', function(Mod) if Casino_Loaded then if not Processing_Data then if _Effects_Enabled then if _Effects_Item:lower() == "party hat" then if (Self.Head().id == Item.GetID('party hat')) then Self.UseItemFromEquipment('head') Last_Party_Hat = os.time() end elseif _Effects_Item:lower() == "enigmatic voodoo skull" then if Count_Extended(Containers.Depot, {5669}) > 0 then for EffectItemInDepot = 0, Containers.Depot:ItemCount()-1 do if EffectItemInDepot > 28 then EffectItemInDepot = 28 end local tempItem = Containers.Depot:GetItemData(EffectItemInDepot) if 5669 == tempItem.id then Containers.Depot:UseItem(EffectItemInDepot, true) break end end end else if Count_Extended(Containers.Depot, {Item.GetID(_Effects_Item)}) > 0 then for EffectItemInDepot = 0, Containers.Depot:ItemCount()-1 do if EffectItemInDepot > 28 then EffectItemInDepot = 28 end local tempItem = Containers.Depot:GetItemData(EffectItemInDepot) if Item.GetID(_Effects_Item) == tempItem.id then Containers.Depot:UseItem(EffectItemInDepot, true) break end end end end end end end Mod:Delay(_Effects_Interval*1000) end) end Module('BroadcastSystem', function(Mod) if _Broadcast_UseMessages then if Casino_Loaded then if not Processing_Data then if (os.difftime(os.time(),Last_Broadcast)>_Broadcast_Interval) then if (os.difftime(os.time(),Last_Message)>2) then local PlayersAround = false if not _Broadcast_FixedInterval then for name, creature in Creature.iPlayers(2) do if name and creature then PlayersAround = true break end end end if not PlayersAround then _Broadcast_Messages_Processed = {} for index, value in ipairs(_Broadcast_Messages) do _Broadcast_Messages_Processed[index] = value:gsub('%[name%]', Self.Name()): gsub('%[minhighlow%]', (High_Low_Minimum/1000)..'k'): gsub('%[maxhighlow%]', (High_Low_Maximum/1000)..'k'): gsub('%[minoddeven%]', (Odd_Even_Minimum/1000)..'k'): gsub('%[maxoddeven%]', (Odd_Even_Maximum/1000)..'k'): gsub('%[minfirstsecondlast%]', (First_Second_Last_Minimum/1000)..'k'): gsub('%[maxfirstsecondlast%]', (First_Second_Last_Maximum/1000)..'k'): gsub('%[minsingle%]', (Single_Numbers_Minimum/1000)..'k'): gsub('%[maxsingle%]', (Single_Numbers_Maximum/1000)..'k'): gsub('%[minblackjack%]', (Blackjack_Minimum/1000)..'k'): gsub('%[maxblackjack%]', (Blackjack_Maximum/1000)..'k'): gsub('%[payouthighlow%]', High_Low_Payout..'%%'): gsub('%[payoutoddeven%]', Odd_Even_Payout..'%%'): gsub('%[payoutfirstsecondlast%]', First_Second_Last_Payout..'%%'): gsub('%[payoutsingle%]', Single_Numbers_Payout..'%%'): gsub('%[payoutblackjack%]', Blackjack_Payout..'%%') _Broadcast_Messages_Processed[index] = _Broadcast_UppercaseMessages and _Broadcast_Messages_Processed[index]:upper() or _Broadcast_Messages_Processed[index] end local Custom_Message_Processed = _Broadcast_Messages_Processed[math.random(1, #_Broadcast_Messages_Processed)] if _Broadcast_YellMessages then Self.Yell(Custom_Message_Processed) else Self.Say(Custom_Message_Processed) end ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Send broadcast message: "'..Custom_Message_Processed..'"') Last_Broadcast = os.time() Last_Message = os.time() end end end end end end Mod:Delay(10000) end) Module('UpdateSystem', function(Mod) local StopMessage = nil local LowCash = false local TakeScreenshot = true if Casino_Loaded then if #Container.GetAll() == 0 then if (_Extra_RestartOnKick) then Casino_Loaded = false Processing_Data = false if UpdateCoordinates() then if Open_Containers() then PickUpDiceAndDecoration() CheckDiceAndDecoration() Casino_Loaded = true ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'The script has been restarted') end end end else if not Processing_Data then local AvailableSlotsPlat = false local AvailableSlotsCrystal = false local AvailableSlotsItem = false local CipsoftMemberDetected = nil HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.AMOUNT_CASH.DISPLAY_CRYSTAL.AMOUNT:SetText(tostring(Count_Crystal_Extended()*10)..'k') HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.AMOUNT_CASH.DISPLAY_PLATINUM.AMOUNT:SetText(tostring(Count_Platinum_Extended()/10)..'k') HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.AMOUNT_ITEMS.DISPLAY_ITEM.AMOUNT:SetText(tostring(Total.Items.Amount)..' ('..tostring(Total.Items.Value/1000)..'k)') if (_Extra_CipStaffDetection) then for name, creature in Creature.iCreatures() do for _, member in ipairs(CipsoftMembers) do if creature:Name():lower():find(member) then CipsoftMemberDetected = creature:Name() break end end end if CipsoftMemberDetected then StopMessage = 'The script has detected a Cipsoft member nearby: '..CipsoftMemberDetected..'. Stopping the script and closing the client immediately' ManualStop = true PybfrPyvrag = true end end if Containers.Platinum then AvailableSlotsPlat = false for _, container_Platinum in ipairs(Containers.Platinum) do if container_Platinum:EmptySlots() > 2 then AvailableSlotsPlat = true break end end end if Containers.Crystal then AvailableSlotsCrystal = false for _, container_Crystal in ipairs(Containers.Crystal) do if container_Crystal:EmptySlots() > 2 then AvailableSlotsCrystal = true break end end end if Accept_Items then if Containers.Items then AvailableSlotsItem = false if Containers.Items:EmptySlots() > 0 and Count_Extended(Containers.Items, {Containers.Items:ID()}) > 0 then AvailableSlotsItem = true end end else AvailableSlotsItem = true end if not AvailableSlotsPlat then StopMessage = 'Stopping script due to few available slots for platinum coins' ManualStop = true elseif not AvailableSlotsCrystal then StopMessage = 'Stopping script due to few available slots for crystal coins' ManualStop = true elseif not AvailableSlotsItem then StopMessage = 'Stopping script due to few available slots for items. Please, add another "'.._Containers_Items..'" inside the last container' ManualStop = true end if Count_Platinum_Extended() <= 100 then StopMessage = 'Stopping script due to low platinum coins ('..(Count_Platinum_Extended()/1000)..'k)' ManualStop = true end if _Extra_AlarmLowCash then if not ManualStop then local AvailableAmount = Count_Crystal_Extended() * 10000 if High_Low then local RequiredAmount = (High_Low_Maximum * High_Low_Payout / 100) if AvailableAmount < RequiredAmount then StopMessage = 'Stopping script due to low amount of cash to play High/Low ('..(AvailableAmount/1000)..'k)' end elseif Odd_Even then local RequiredAmount = (Odd_Even_Maximum * Odd_Even_Payout / 100) if AvailableAmount < RequiredAmount then StopMessage = 'Stopping script due to low amount of cash to play Odd/Even ('..(AvailableAmount/1000)..'k)' end elseif Blackjack then local RequiredAmount = (Blackjack_Maximum * Blackjack_Payout / 100) if AvailableAmount < RequiredAmount then StopMessage = 'Stopping script due to low amount of cash to play Blackjack ('..(AvailableAmount/1000)..'k)' end elseif First_Second_Last then local RequiredAmount = (First_Second_Last_Maximum * First_Second_Last_Payout / 100) if AvailableAmount < RequiredAmount then StopMessage = 'Stopping script due to low amount of cash to play First/Second/Last ('..(AvailableAmount/1000)..'k)' end elseif Single_Numbers then local RequiredAmount = (Single_Numbers_Maximum * Single_Numbers_Payout / 100) if AvailableAmount < RequiredAmount then StopMessage = 'Stopping script due to low amount of cash to play Single Numbers ('..(AvailableAmount/1000)..'k)' end elseif Highest_Lowest then local RequiredAmount = (Highest_Lowest_Maximum * Highest_Lowest_Payout / 100) if AvailableAmount < RequiredAmount then StopMessage = 'Stopping script due to low amount of cash to play Highest/Lowest ('..(AvailableAmount/1000)..'k)' end elseif Sequence then local RequiredAmount = (Sequence_Maximum * Sequence_Payout / 100) if AvailableAmount < RequiredAmount then StopMessage = 'Stopping script due to low amount of cash to play Sequence ('..(AvailableAmount/1000)..'k)' end elseif Pair_Of_Numbers then local RequiredAmount = (Pair_Of_Numbers_Maximum * Pair_Of_Numbers_Payout / 100) if AvailableAmount < RequiredAmount then StopMessage = 'Stopping script due to low amount of cash to play Pair Of Numbers ('..(AvailableAmount/1000)..'k)' end elseif Sum_Of_Numbers then local RequiredAmount = (Sum_Of_Numbers_Maximum * Sum_Of_Numbers_Payout / 100) if AvailableAmount < RequiredAmount then StopMessage = 'Stopping script due to low amount of cash to play Sum Of Numbers ('..(AvailableAmount/1000)..'k)' end elseif Beat_That then local RequiredAmount = (Beat_That_Maximum * Beat_That_Payout / 100) if AvailableAmount < RequiredAmount then StopMessage = 'Stopping script due to low amount of cash to play Beat That ('..(AvailableAmount/1000)..'k)' end end if StopMessage then ManualStop = true LowCash = true end end end end end end if not Processing_Data then Time_Now = os.date("*t") if Server_Save <= ((Time_Now.hour * 3600) + (Time_Now.min * 60) + Time_Now.sec) then Server_Save_TimeLeft = os.difftime((Server_Save + 24 * 3600), (Time_Now.hour * 3600) + (Time_Now.min * 60) + Time_Now.sec) else Server_Save_TimeLeft = os.difftime(Server_Save,(Time_Now.hour * 3600) + (Time_Now.min * 60) + Time_Now.sec) end local diffSecs = os.difftime(os.time(),Last_Bid) local nHours = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(diffSecs/3600)) local nMins = string.format("%02.f", math.floor((diffSecs - (nHours * 3600)) / 60)) local nSecs = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(diffSecs - (nHours * 3600) - (nMins * 60))) HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.LAST_BID.VALUE:SetText(nHours..':'..nMins..':'..nSecs) diffSecs = os.difftime(os.time(),Time_Script_Started) nHours = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(diffSecs/3600)) nMins = string.format("%02.f", math.floor((diffSecs - (nHours * 3600)) / 60)) nSecs = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(diffSecs - (nHours * 3600) - (nMins * 60))) HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.TIME_RUNNING.VALUE:SetText(nHours..':'..nMins..':'..nSecs) nHours = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(Server_Save_TimeLeft/3600)) nMins = string.format("%02.f", math.floor((Server_Save_TimeLeft - (nHours * 3600)) / 60)) nSecs = string.format("%02.f", math.floor(Server_Save_TimeLeft - (nHours * 3600) - (nMins * 60))) HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.SERVER_SAVE.VALUE:SetText(nHours..':'..nMins..':'..nSecs) if not ManualStop then if not Blackjack and not High_Low and not Odd_Even and not First_Second_Last and not Single_Numbers and not Highest_Lowest and not Sequence and not Pair_Of_Numbers and not Sum_Of_Numbers and not Beat_That then ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'You don\'t accept any game type. Please, check your settings and reload the script') ManualStop = true end if Server_Save_TimeLeft <= 300 then StopMessage = 'Stopping script due to Server Save' ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', StopMessage) ManualStop = true end else Casino_Loaded = false PickUpDiceAndDecoration() if _Statistics_UseLog and Casino_StatisticsFile then Casino_StatisticsFile:flush() end if StopMessage then ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', StopMessage) end if LowCash then if _Extra_AlarmLowCash then alert() end end if _Extra_ScreenshotOnStop then if TakeScreenshot then screenshot('Casino Script ['..Self.Name()..']['..os.date("%b %d %Y - %H.%M")..']') wait(1000) end end end if PybfrPyvrag then if _Debug_UseLog and Casino_LogFile then Casino_LogFile:close() end if _Statistics_UseLog and Casino_StatisticsFile then Casino_StatisticsFile:close() end os.exit() end end Mod:Delay(1000) end) Module('RestackSystem', function(Mod) if Casino_Loaded then if not Processing_Data then local ActionPerformed = false local FreeSlots_Platinum = nil local FreeSlots_Crystal = nil if not ActionPerformed then for _, container_Platinum in ipairs(Containers.Platinum) do for itemPlatinumCoin = container_Platinum:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do if container_Platinum:ItemCount() >= 2 then if not (itemPlatinumCoin == 0) then local item_temp = container_Platinum:GetItemData(itemPlatinumCoin) if item_temp.count < 100 then container_Platinum:MoveItemToContainer(itemPlatinumCoin, container_Platinum:Index(), 0) ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Restack System | Moving '..item_temp.count..' platinum coins to beginning of the stack') ActionPerformed = true break end end end end end end if not ActionPerformed then for _, container_platinum in ipairs(Containers.Platinum) do if container_platinum:EmptySlots() >= 2 then FreeSlots_Platinum = container_platinum break end end if FreeSlots_Platinum then for index, containersPlatinum in ripairs(Containers.Platinum) do if (index > 1) then for itemPlatinumCoin = containersPlatinum:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do if(containersPlatinum:Index() > FreeSlots_Platinum:Index()) then local item_temp = containersPlatinum:GetItemData(itemPlatinumCoin) containersPlatinum:MoveItemToContainer(itemPlatinumCoin, FreeSlots_Platinum:Index(), 0) ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Restack System | Moving '..item_temp.count..' platinum coins to empty slot in previous container') ActionPerformed = true break end end end end end end if not ActionPerformed then for _, container_Crystal in ipairs(Containers.Crystal) do if container_Crystal:EmptySlots() >= 2 then FreeSlots_Crystal = container_Crystal break end end if FreeSlots_Crystal then for index, container_Crystal in ripairs(Containers.Crystal) do if (index > 1) then for itemCrystalCoin = container_Crystal:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do if(container_Crystal:Index() > FreeSlots_Crystal:Index()) then local item_temp = container_Crystal:GetItemData(itemCrystalCoin) container_Crystal:MoveItemToContainer(itemCrystalCoin, FreeSlots_Crystal:Index(), 0) ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Restack System | Moving '..item_temp.count..' crystal coins to empty slot in previous container') ActionPerformed = true break end end end end end end if not ActionPerformed then for _, container_Crystal in ipairs(Containers.Crystal) do for itemCrystalCoin = container_Crystal:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do if container_Crystal:ItemCount() >= 2 then if not (itemCrystalCoin == 0) then local item_temp = container_Crystal:GetItemData(itemCrystalCoin) if item_temp.count < 100 then container_Crystal:MoveItemToContainer(itemCrystalCoin, container_Crystal:Index(), 0) ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Restack System | Moving '..item_temp.count..' crystal coins to beginning of the stack') ActionPerformed = true break end end end end end end if not ActionPerformed then if Accept_Items then if Containers.Items then if Containers.Items:EmptySlots() <= 5 then OpeningNestedContainers = true local TotalValueItems = 0 local TotalCountItems = 0 for indexItem = 0, Containers.Items:ItemCount()-1 do local tempItem = Containers.Items:GetItemData(indexItem) for _, Accepted_Item in ipairs(Accepted_Items_List) do if Accepted_Item.ID == tempItem.id then TotalValueItems = TotalValueItems + (Accepted_Item.Value * tempItem.count) TotalCountItems = TotalCountItems + 1 end end end if Total.Items.LastAmountSeen ~= TotalValueItems then Total.Items.LastAmountSeen = TotalValueItems Total.Items.Amount = Total.Items.Amount + TotalCountItems Total.Items.Value = Total.Items.Value + TotalValueItems ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Updating item values in HUD') end for indexContainer = Containers.Items:ItemCount()-1, 0, -1 do if Item.isContainer(Containers.Items:GetItemData(indexContainer).id) then Containers.Items:UseItem(indexContainer, true) ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Opening new container for items') ActionPerformed = true break end end else OpeningNestedContainers = false end end end end end end Mod:Delay(WorkloadExecutionInterval()*400) end) Module('InactivityDetectionSystem', function(Mod) if _Inactivity_Detection then if not Processing_Data then if not ManualStop then if (os.difftime(os.time(), Last_Activity) >= (_Inactivity_Interval*60)) then ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'The character has been inactive for more than '.._Inactivity_Interval..' min. The script will search for a new depot') Casino_Loaded = false PickUpDiceAndDecoration() if Self.Position().z == 7 then gotoLabel('GroundFloor') elseif Self.Position().z == 6 then GoCheckDown = true gotoLabel('FirstFloor') end setWalkerEnabled(true) end end end else if _Inactivity_NotifyBlockedSpot then if not Processing_Data then if not ManualStop then if Last_Player then if (os.difftime(os.time(),Last_Activity_Player_In_Spot) >= _Inactivity_BlockedSpotInterval*60) then ProcessDebugMessage('Casino', 'The character has been inactive for more than '.._Inactivity_BlockedSpotInterval..' min. Notifying blocked spot') SendMessage(Last_Player, _Inactivity_MessageBlockedSpot, false) Last_Activity_Player_In_Spot = os.time() end end end end end end Mod:Delay(30000) end) if _Inactivity_AntiIdle then Module('InactivityAntiIdleSystem', function(Mod) if (not _Inactivity_Detection or _Inactivity_Interval >= 15) and not Processing_Data then Self.Turn(math.random(0, 3)) end Mod:Delay(180000) end) end Module('ProcessPaymentSystem', function(Mod) if Processing_Data then if Payment_Give_Signal then if Payment_Given_Check.Platinum == 1 then Payment_Given_Check.Platinum_Amount = 0 end if Payment_Given_Check.Crystal == 1 then if Payment_Given_Check.Crystal_Amount < 0 then Payment_Given_Check.Crystal_Amount = 0 end end ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Process Payment signal acknowledged | '..Payment_Given_Check.Crystal_Amount..' crystal coins | '..Payment_Given_Check.Platinum_Amount..' platinum coins') if Payment_Given_Check.Platinum_Amount > 0 then for _, container_Platinum in ipairs(Containers.Platinum) do for platinumInContainer = container_Platinum:ItemCount()-1,0,-1 do local tempItem = container_Platinum:GetItemData(platinumInContainer) if (tempItem.id == 3035 and tempItem.count >= Payment_Given_Check.Platinum_Amount) then Payment_Given_Check.Platinum = container_Platinum:MoveItemToGround(platinumInContainer,Coordinates.Counter.x,Coordinates.Counter.y,Coordinates.Counter.z,Payment_Given_Check.Platinum_Amount) break end end if Payment_Given_Check.Platinum == 1 then break end end elseif Payment_Given_Check.Crystal_Amount > 0 then for _, container_Crystal in ipairs(Containers.Crystal) do for crystalInContainer = container_Crystal:ItemCount()-1,0,-1 do local tempItem = container_Crystal:GetItemData(crystalInContainer) local AmountOfCrystalsToPay = 0 if Payment_Given_Check.Crystal_Amount > 100 then AmountOfCrystalsToPay = 100 else AmountOfCrystalsToPay = Payment_Given_Check.Crystal_Amount end if (tempItem.id == 3043 and tempItem.count >= AmountOfCrystalsToPay) then Payment_Given_Check.Crystal = container_Crystal:MoveItemToGround(crystalInContainer,Coordinates.Counter.x,Coordinates.Counter.y,Coordinates.Counter.z,AmountOfCrystalsToPay) break end end if Payment_Given_Check.Crystal == 1 then Payment_Given_Check.Crystal_Amount = Payment_Given_Check.Crystal_Amount - 100 break end end else Payment_Give_Signal = false Payment_Given_Check.Platinum = 0 Payment_Given_Check.Crystal = 0 Payment_Given_Check.Crystal_Amount = 0 if SkipRollingProcess then SkipRollingProcess = false ResetValues() end ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'The script finished processing effects') end end end Mod:Delay(WorkloadExecutionInterval()*400) end) Module('UseResultItemSystem', function(Mod) if Casino_Loaded then if Processing_Data then if Play_Instrument_Signal ~= 0 then if Play_Instrument_Signal == 1 then Losing_Item_Check = 0 if Winning_Item == 'none' then Winning_Item_Check = 1 else if not Payment_Give_Signal then if Winning_Item_Check == 0 then if Count_Extended(Containers.Depot, {Winning_Item_ID}) > 0 then for useItem = Containers.Depot:ItemCount()-1,0,-1 do if Containers.Depot:GetItemData(useItem).id == Winning_Item_ID then Winning_Item_Check = Containers.Depot:UseItem(useItem) break end end else Winning_Item_Check = 1 end end end end elseif Play_Instrument_Signal == -1 then Winning_Item_Check = 0 if Losing_Item == 'none' then Losing_Item_Check = 1 else if Losing_Item_Check == 0 then if Count_Extended(Containers.Depot, {Losing_Item_ID}) > 0 then for useItem = Containers.Depot:ItemCount()-1,0,-1 do if Containers.Depot:GetItemData(useItem).id == Losing_Item_ID then Losing_Item_Check = Containers.Depot:UseItem(useItem) break end end else Losing_Item_Check = 1 end end end end else Winning_Item_Check = 0 Losing_Item_Check = 0 end if (Winning_Item_Check == 1 or Losing_Item_Check == 1) then if Losing_Item_Check == 1 then ResetValues() elseif Winning_Item_Check == 1 then if Payment_Given_Check.Platinum_Amount == 0 and Payment_Given_Check.Crystal_Amount == 0 and not Payment_Give_Signal then ResetValues() end end ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Use Item signal acknowledged | '..((Play_Instrument_Signal == 1) and Item.GetName(Winning_Item_ID) or Item.GetName(Losing_Item_ID))) end end end Mod:Delay(WorkloadExecutionInterval()*200) end) Module('ProcessRollSystem', function(Mod) if Casino_Loaded then if Pay_Cash_Signal ~= 0 then data = Pay_Cash_Signal Pay_Cash_Signal = 0 if Blackjack and Blackjack_In_Progress then ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Process Roll signal acknowledged | Blackjack | Player rolls sum: '..Blackjack_Player_Count..' | Dealer rolls sum: '..Blackjack_Dealer_Count) elseif Sum_Of_Numbers and Sum_Of_Numbers_In_Progress then ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Process Roll signal acknowledged | Sum of numbers | Sum: '..Sum_Of_Numbers_Sum) elseif Sequence and Sequence_In_Progress then ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Process Roll signal acknowledged | Sequence | Values: '..Sequence_Count) elseif Beat_That and Beat_That_In_Progress then ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Process Roll signal acknowledged | Beat that | Sum: '..Beat_That_Sum) elseif Highest_Lowest and Highest_Lowest_In_Progress then ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Process Roll signal acknowledged | Highest/Lowest | First sum: '..Highest_Lowest_First_Sum..' | Second sum: '..Highest_Lowest_Second_Sum) else ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Process Roll signal acknowledged | You rolled a '..data) end if Player_Option then local PayCash = false local Payout_Percent = 0 local Message = nil local jackpot = 0 local crystal_coins = 0 local platinum_coins = 0 if (table.contains({'blackjack'}, Player_Option) and Blackjack) then if (Blackjack_Player_Count > 21 and Blackjack_Dealer_Count > 21) then Message = Blackjack_Busted_Both_Messages[math.random(1, #Blackjack_Busted_Both_Messages)]:gsub('%[playercount%]', Blackjack_Player_Count):gsub('%[dealercount%]', Blackjack_Dealer_Count):gsub('%[roll]', data) PayCash = true elseif (Blackjack_Player_Count <= 21 and Blackjack_Dealer_Count > 21) then Message = Blackjack_Busted_Dealer_Messages[math.random(1, #Blackjack_Busted_Dealer_Messages)]:gsub('%[dealercount%]', Blackjack_Dealer_Count):gsub('%[roll]', data) PayCash = true elseif(Blackjack_Player_Count > 21 and Blackjack_Dealer_Count <= 21) then Message = Blackjack_Busted_Player_Messages[math.random(1, #Blackjack_Busted_Player_Messages)]:gsub('%[playercount%]', Blackjack_Player_Count):gsub('%[roll]', data) PayCash = false elseif Blackjack_Player_Count > Blackjack_Dealer_Count then Message = Blackjack_Win_Messages[math.random(1, #Blackjack_Win_Messages)]:gsub('%[playercount%]', Blackjack_Player_Count):gsub('%[dealercount%]', Blackjack_Dealer_Count):gsub('%[roll]', data) PayCash = true elseif Blackjack_Player_Count < Blackjack_Dealer_Count then Message = Blackjack_Lose_Messages[math.random(1, #Blackjack_Lose_Messages)]:gsub('%[playercount%]', Blackjack_Player_Count):gsub('%[dealercount%]', Blackjack_Dealer_Count):gsub('%[roll]', data) PayCash = false elseif Blackjack_Player_Count == Blackjack_Dealer_Count then Message = Blackjack_Even_Result_Messages[math.random(1, #Blackjack_Even_Result_Messages)]:gsub('%[tiecount%]', Blackjack_Player_Count):gsub('%[roll]', data) PayCash = true end Payout_Percent = Blackjack_Payout elseif (table.contains({'sum'}, Player_Option) and Sum_Of_Numbers) then if (Sum_Of_Numbers_Sum == Game_Types.Sum.Choice) then PayCash = true Message = Sum_Win_Messages[math.random(1, #Sum_Win_Messages)]:gsub('%[sum%]', Sum_Of_Numbers_Sum):gsub('%[roll]', data) else Message = Sum_Lose_Messages[math.random(1, #Sum_Lose_Messages)]:gsub('%[sum%]', Sum_Of_Numbers_Sum):gsub('%[roll]', data) end Payout_Percent = (Sum_Of_Numbers_Payout / (Sum_Of_Numbers_Maximum_Rolls * 6)) * Game_Types.Sum.Choice elseif (table.contains({'beat that'}, Player_Option) and Beat_That) then if (Beat_That_Sum == Game_Types.BeatThat.Choice) then PayCash = true end Payout_Percent = Beat_That_Payout elseif (table.contains({'sequence'}, Player_Option) and Sequence) then if (table.contains({123,234,345,456,654,543,432,321}, Sequence_Count)) then PayCash = true Message = Sequence_Win_Messages[math.random(1, #Sequence_Win_Messages)]:gsub('%[sequence%]', Sequence_Count):gsub('%[roll]', data) else Message = Sequence_Lose_Messages[math.random(1, #Sequence_Lose_Messages)]:gsub('%[sequence%]', Sequence_Count):gsub('%[roll]', data) end Payout_Percent = Sequence_Payout elseif (table.contains({'highest', 'lowest'}, Player_Option) and Highest_Lowest) then if Highest_Lowest_First_Sum == Highest_Lowest_Second_Sum then Message = Highest_Lowest_Even_Result_Messages[math.random(1, #Highest_Lowest_Even_Result_Messages)]:gsub('%[tiecount%]', Highest_Lowest_First_Sum):gsub('%[roll]', data) PayCash = true else if table.contains({'highest'}, Player_Option) then if Highest_Lowest_First_Sum > Highest_Lowest_Second_Sum then PayCash = true Message = Highest_Lowest_Win_Messages[math.random(1, #Highest_Lowest_Win_Messages)]:gsub('%[firstcount%]', Highest_Lowest_First_Sum):gsub('%[secondcount%]', Highest_Lowest_Second_Sum):gsub('%[roll]', data) else Message = Highest_Lowest_Lose_Messages[math.random(1, #Highest_Lowest_Lose_Messages)]:gsub('%[firstcount%]', Highest_Lowest_First_Sum):gsub('%[secondcount%]', Highest_Lowest_Second_Sum):gsub('%[roll]', data) end elseif table.contains({'lowest'}, Player_Option) then if Highest_Lowest_First_Sum < Highest_Lowest_Second_Sum then PayCash = true Message = Highest_Lowest_Win_Messages[math.random(1, #Highest_Lowest_Win_Messages)]:gsub('%[firstcount%]', Highest_Lowest_First_Sum):gsub('%[secondcount%]', Highest_Lowest_Second_Sum):gsub('%[roll]', data) else Message = Highest_Lowest_Lose_Messages[math.random(1, #Highest_Lowest_Lose_Messages)]:gsub('%[firstcount%]', Highest_Lowest_First_Sum):gsub('%[secondcount%]', Highest_Lowest_Second_Sum):gsub('%[roll]', data) end end end Payout_Percent = Highest_Lowest_Payout elseif (table.contains({'13','14','15','16','23','24','25','26','31','32','35','36','41','42','45','46','51','52','53','54','61','62','63','64'}, Player_Option) and Pair_Of_Numbers) then local FirstDigit, SecondDigit = Player_Option:match('(%d)(%d)') FirstDigit = FirstDigit + 0 SecondDigit = SecondDigit + 0 if FirstDigit == data or SecondDigit == data then PayCash = true end Payout_Percent = Pair_Of_Numbers_Payout elseif (table.contains({'l','low','123','h','high','456'}, Player_Option) and High_Low) then if (table.contains({'l','low','123'}, Player_Option)) then if (data >= 1 and data <= 3) then PayCash = true end elseif (table.contains({'h','high','456'}, Player_Option)) then if (data >= 4 and data <= 6) then PayCash = true end end Payout_Percent = High_Low_Payout elseif (table.contains({'odd','135','even','246'}, Player_Option) and Odd_Even) then if (table.contains({'odd','135'}, Player_Option)) then if (data == 1 or data == 3 or data == 5) then PayCash = true end elseif (table.contains({'even','246'}, Player_Option)) then if (data == 2 or data == 4 or data == 6) then PayCash = true end end Payout_Percent = Odd_Even_Payout elseif (table.contains({'first','12','second','middle','34','third','56','last'}, Player_Option) and First_Second_Last) then if (table.contains({'first','12'}, Player_Option)) then if (data == 1 or data == 2) then PayCash = true end elseif (table.contains({'second','34','middle'}, Player_Option)) then if (data == 3 or data == 4) then PayCash = true end elseif (table.contains({'last','56','third'}, Player_Option)) then if (data == 5 or data == 6) then PayCash = true end end Payout_Percent = First_Second_Last_Payout elseif (table.contains({'1','2','3','4','5','6'}, Player_Option) and Single_Numbers) then if (Player_Option == '1') then if (data == 1) then PayCash = true end elseif (Player_Option == '2') then if (data == 2) then PayCash = true end elseif (Player_Option == '3') then if (data == 3) then PayCash = true end elseif (Player_Option == '4') then if (data == 4) then PayCash = true end elseif (Player_Option == '5') then if (data == 5) then PayCash = true end elseif (Player_Option == '6') then if (data == 6) then PayCash = true end end Payout_Percent = Single_Numbers_Payout end if PayCash then if Blackjack and Blackjack_In_Progress then if (Blackjack_Player_Count > 21 and Blackjack_Dealer_Count > 21) then jackpot = Player_Balance elseif (Blackjack_Player_Count <= 21 and Blackjack_Dealer_Count > 21) then jackpot = Player_Balance + (Payout_Percent * Player_Balance / 100) elseif(Blackjack_Player_Count == Blackjack_Dealer_Count) then jackpot = Player_Balance elseif (Blackjack_Player_Count > Blackjack_Dealer_Count) then jackpot = Player_Balance + (Payout_Percent * Player_Balance / 100) end elseif Highest_Lowest and Highest_Lowest_In_Progress then if Highest_Lowest_First_Sum == Highest_Lowest_Second_Sum then jackpot = Player_Balance else jackpot = Player_Balance + (Payout_Percent * Player_Balance / 100) end else jackpot = Player_Balance + (Payout_Percent * Player_Balance / 100) end while jackpot >= 10000 do crystal_coins = crystal_coins + 1 jackpot = jackpot - 10000 end while jackpot >= 100 do platinum_coins = platinum_coins + 1 jackpot = jackpot - 100 end Play_Instrument_Signal = 1 Payment_Given_Check.Crystal_Amount = crystal_coins Payment_Given_Check.Platinum_Amount = platinum_coins Payment_Give_Signal = true Bets.Lost.Raw = Bets.Lost.Raw + 1 Bets.Lost.Cash = Bets.Lost.Cash + (crystal_coins * 10000) + (platinum_coins * 100) - Player_Balance HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.BETS.LOST.AMOUNT:SetText(tostring(Bets.Lost.Raw)..' ('..tostring(Bets.Lost.Cash/1000)..'k)') Bets.Outcome.Raw = Bets.Outcome.Raw + 1 Bets.Outcome.Cash = Bets.Won.Cash - Bets.Lost.Cash if (Bets.Outcome.Cash > 0) then HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetTextColor(107, 142, 35) elseif (Bets.Outcome.Cash == 0) then HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetTextColor(255, 255, 255) else HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetTextColor(178, 34, 34) end HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetText(tostring(Bets.Outcome.Raw)..' ('..tostring((Bets.Outcome.Cash/1000))..'k)') if _Statistics_UseLog and Casino_StatisticsFile then Casino_StatisticsFile:write(os.date()..','..Bets.Outcome.Raw..','..Bets.Won.Raw..','..Bets.Lost.Raw..','..Bets.Outcome.Cash..','..Last_Player..','..Player_Option..','..data..','..Player_Balance..','..(Payment_Given_Check.Crystal_Amount*10000+Payment_Given_Check.Platinum_Amount*100)..'\n') Casino_StatisticsFile:flush() end if not Message then Message = Win_Messages[math.random(1, #Win_Messages)] end else if (Losing_Item_ID ~= 0) then Play_Instrument_Signal = -1 end Bets.Won.Raw = Bets.Won.Raw + 1 Bets.Won.Cash = Bets.Won.Cash + Player_Balance HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.BETS.WON.AMOUNT:SetText(tostring(Bets.Won.Raw)..' ('..tostring(Bets.Won.Cash/1000)..'k)') Bets.Outcome.Raw = Bets.Outcome.Raw + 1 Bets.Outcome.Cash = Bets.Won.Cash - Bets.Lost.Cash if (Bets.Outcome.Cash > 0) then HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetTextColor(107, 142, 35) elseif (Bets.Outcome.Cash == 0) then HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetTextColor(255, 255, 255) else HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetTextColor(178, 34, 34) end HEADS_UP_DISPLAY.BETS.OUTCOME.AMOUNT:SetText(tostring(Bets.Outcome.Raw)..' ('..tostring((Bets.Outcome.Cash/1000))..'k)') if _Statistics_UseLog and Casino_StatisticsFile then Casino_StatisticsFile:write(os.date()..','..Bets.Outcome.Raw..','..Bets.Won.Raw..','..Bets.Lost.Raw..','..Bets.Outcome.Cash..','..Last_Player..','..Player_Option..','..data..','..Player_Balance..',0\n') Casino_StatisticsFile:flush() end if not Message then Message = Lose_Messages[math.random(1, #Lose_Messages)] end end if PayCash then Message = Message:gsub('%[amount%]', (crystal_coins*10+platinum_coins*0.1)..'k'):gsub('%[roll]', data) else Message = Message:gsub('%[amount%]', (Player_Balance/1000)..'k'):gsub('%[roll]', data) end SendMessage(Last_Player, Message, false) end end end Mod:Delay(WorkloadExecutionInterval()*200) end) Module('RollSystem', function(Mod) if Casino_Loaded then if Processing_Data then if Pay_Cash_Signal ~= 0 then if Dice_Rolled_Check == 1 then if not (Blackjack and Blackjack_In_Progress) and not (Sum_Of_Numbers and Sum_Of_Numbers_In_Progress) and not (Beat_That and Beat_That_In_Progress) and not (Highest_Lowest and Highest_Lowest_In_Progress) and not (Sequence and Sequence_In_Progress) then Roll_Dice_Signal = false Dice_Rolled_Check = 0 end end else if Roll_Dice_Signal then ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Roll System signal acknowledged | Balance is '..Player_Balance..' ('..(Player_Balance/1000)..'k)') if (_VirtualMode_) then Dice_Rolled_Check = 1 EffectProxyMessage = Self.Name()..' rolled a '..math.random(1, 6)..'.' else for diceInLocker = 0, Containers.Locker:ItemCount()-1 do if diceInLocker > 28 then diceInLocker = 28 end local tempDice = Containers.Locker:GetItemData(diceInLocker) if table.contains(Dice_IDs, tempDice.id) then Dice_Rolled_Check = Containers.Locker:UseItem(diceInLocker, true) break end end end end end end end Mod:Delay(WorkloadExecutionInterval()*800) end) Module('CountCash', function(Mod) if Casino_Loaded then if Processing_Data then if Count_Cash_Signal then ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Signal to organize cash acknowledged') local prevAmount = Last_Amount.Crystal + Last_Amount.Platinum + Last_Amount.Items Last_Amount.Crystal = Count_Crystal_Extended() * 10000 Last_Amount.Platinum = Count_Platinum_Extended() * 100 Last_Amount.Items = 0 if Accept_Items then for indexItem=0, Containers.Items:ItemCount()-1 do local tempItem = Containers.Items:GetItemData(indexItem) for _, Accepted_Item in ipairs(Accepted_Items_List) do if Accepted_Item.ID == tempItem.id then Last_Amount.Items = Last_Amount.Items + (Accepted_Item.Value * tempItem.count) end end end end local newAmount = Last_Amount.Crystal + Last_Amount.Platinum + Last_Amount.Items if (Authenticate_Cash_Check == math.abs(newAmount - prevAmount)) then Player_Balance = Authenticate_Cash_Check Roll_Dice_Signal = true else Player_Balance = 0 ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Found inconsistent amounts ['..Authenticate_Cash_Check..']['..math.abs(newAmount-prevAmount)..']. Giving cash back') local cashBack = math.abs(newAmount-prevAmount) local crystal_coins = 0 local platinum_coins = 0 while cashBack >= 10000 do crystal_coins = crystal_coins + 1 cashBack = cashBack - 10000 end while cashBack >= 100 do platinum_coins = platinum_coins + 1 cashBack = cashBack - 100 end SkipRollingProcess = true Payment_Given_Check.Crystal_Amount = crystal_coins Payment_Given_Check.Platinum_Amount = platinum_coins Payment_Give_Signal = true end Count_Cash_Signal = false end end end Mod:Delay(WorkloadExecutionInterval()*200) end) Module('TakeFromCounter', function(Mod) if Casino_Loaded then if Processing_Data then if Take_Cash_Signal then local acceptedItemsOnCounter = false if Accept_Items then for itemOnCounter = Containers.Counter:ItemCount()-1,0,-1 do if itemOnCounter > 28 then itemOnCounter = 28 end for _, Accepted_Item in ipairs(Accepted_Items_List) do if Accepted_Item.ID == Containers.Counter:GetItemData(itemOnCounter).id then acceptedItemsOnCounter = true break end end end end if Count_Extended(Containers.Counter, Money_IDs) > 0 or acceptedItemsOnCounter then ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Signal to take cash from counter acknowledged') for itemOnCounter = Containers.Counter:ItemCount()-1,0,-1 do if itemOnCounter > 28 then itemOnCounter = 28 end local tempItem = Containers.Counter:GetItemData(itemOnCounter) if (tempItem.id == 3035) then for _, container_Platinum in ipairs(Containers.Platinum) do if container_Platinum:EmptySlots() > 2 then Containers.Counter:MoveItemToContainer(itemOnCounter,container_Platinum:Index(),0,tempItem.count) break end end elseif (tempItem.id == 3043) then for _, container_Crystal in ipairs(Containers.Crystal) do if container_Crystal:EmptySlots() > 2 then Containers.Counter:MoveItemToContainer(itemOnCounter,container_Crystal:Index(),0,tempItem.count) break end end else if Accept_Items then for _, Accepted_Item in ipairs(Accepted_Items_List) do if Accepted_Item.ID == tempItem.id then Containers.Counter:MoveItemToContainer(itemOnCounter,Containers.Items:Index(),Containers.Items:ItemCapacity()-1,tempItem.count) end end end end end else Take_Cash_Signal = false Count_Cash_Signal = true end end end end Mod:Delay(WorkloadExecutionInterval()*200) end) Signal.OnReceive('LocalProxySignal', function(signal, data) LocalProxyMessage = data end) Module('LocalProxySystem', function(Mod) if LocalProxyMessage then local mtype = LocalProxyMessage["MessageType"] local speaker = LocalProxyMessage["Speaker"] local level = LocalProxyMessage["Level"] local text = LocalProxyMessage["Text"]:lower():trim() if _Remote_Status then if (table.contains(_Remote_AdminName, speaker:lower())) then if text == _Remote_OutcomeCommand:lower() then local OutcomeMessage = 'The outcome of the script is '..(Bets.Outcome.Cash/1000)..'k' SendPrivateMessage(OutcomeMessage, speaker, true) elseif text == _Remote_DiceAndDecoCommand:lower() then local DecoAmount = Self.ItemCount(_Decoration_Item_ID) local DiceAmount = 0 for _, id in ipairs(Dice_IDs) do DiceAmount = DiceAmount + Self.ItemCount(id) end local DiceAndDecoMessage = string.format('I have %s dice and %s items for decoration', DiceAmount, DecoAmount) SendPrivateMessage(DiceAndDecoMessage, speaker, true) elseif text == _Remote_EmptyContainersCommand:lower() then local FullAmount = 0 for _, container_Platinum in ipairs(Containers.Platinum) do for itemPlatinumCoin = container_Platinum:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do if container_Platinum:EmptySlots() <= 2 then FullAmount = FullAmount + 1 end end end local EmptyContainers = string.format('I have %s empty containers for platinum coins', #Containers.Platinum - FullAmount) SendPrivateMessage(EmptyContainers, speaker, true) elseif text == _Remote_CashCommand:lower() then local AvailableCash = 'The available cash to gamble is '..(Count_Crystal_Extended()*10)..'k in crystal coins and '..(Count_Platinum_Extended()/10)..'k in platinum coins' SendPrivateMessage(AvailableCash, speaker, true) elseif text == _Remote_ItemsCommand:lower() then local ItemsValue = 'There are '..Total.Items.Amount..' items and they are worth '..(Total.Items.Value/1000)..'k' SendPrivateMessage(ItemsValue, speaker, true) elseif text == _Remote_StartCommand:lower() then Casino_Loaded = false PickUpDiceAndDecoration() if not Blackjack and not High_Low and not Odd_Even and not First_Second_Last and not Single_Numbers and not Highest_Lowest and not Sequence and not Pair_Of_Numbers and not Sum_Of_Numbers and not Beat_That then SendPrivateMessage('You don\'t accept any game type. Please, check your settings and reload the script', speaker, true) else if UpdateCoordinates() then if Open_Containers() then CheckDiceAndDecoration() Last_Activity = os.time() Total.Items.LastAmountSeen = 0 Total.Items.Amount = 0 Total.Items.Value = 0 Casino_Loaded = true ManualStop = false SendPrivateMessage('The script has been started upon request', speaker, true) end else SendPrivateMessage('The script failed to find location', speaker, true) end end elseif text == _Remote_StopCommand:lower() then Casino_Loaded = false ManualStop = true PickUpDiceAndDecoration() while #Container.GetAll() > 0 do for i = 0, 15 do closeContainer(i) end end SendPrivateMessage('The script has been stopped upon request', speaker, true) elseif text == _Remote_NewDepotCommand:lower() then SendPrivateMessage('Processing your request to find a new depot', speaker, true) Casino_Loaded = false PickUpDiceAndDecoration() if Self.Position().z == 7 then gotoLabel('GroundFloor') elseif Self.Position().z == 6 then GoCheckDown = true gotoLabel('FirstFloor') end setWalkerEnabled(true) elseif text == _Remote_BackupProfitCommand:lower() then local pos = Self.Position() local DepotFound = false local Locker = nil local Depot = nil local Parcel = nil local Tracker = 0 local ParcelTracker = false local PlatinumTracker = -1 local function DistanceFromCoordinates(first, second) return math.max(math.max(math.abs(first.x - second.x), math.abs(first.y - second.y)), math.abs(first.z - second.z)) end local function OpenNextContainer() while (Parcel:isFull()) do for spotparcel = Parcel:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local itemparcel = Parcel:GetItemData(spotparcel) if (Item.isContainer(itemparcel.id)) then Parcel:UseItem(spotparcel, true) wait(500) break end end end end local function MoveItems(backwards) local Target_Container = Container(Tracker + 1) if (backwards) then for spotarget = Target_Container:ItemCount()-1, 0, -1 do local itemtarget = Target_Container:GetItemData(spotarget) if (not table.contains(Dice_IDs, itemtarget.id)) then if (not Item.isContainer(itemtarget.id)) then Target_Container:MoveItemToContainer(spotarget, Parcel:Index(), Parcel:ItemCapacity() -1) wait(1000) OpenNextContainer() end end end else for spotarget = 0, Target_Container:ItemCount()-1 do local itemtarget = Target_Container:GetItemData(spotarget) if (not table.contains(Dice_IDs, itemtarget.id)) then if (not Item.isContainer(itemtarget.id)) then Target_Container:MoveItemToContainer(spotarget, Parcel:Index(), Parcel:ItemCapacity() -1) wait(1000) OpenNextContainer() break end end end end end for _, location in ipairs(Gambling_Depots.Yalahar) do if (pos.x == location['HouseSwitch'][1] and pos.y == location['HouseSwitch'][2] and pos.z == location['HouseSwitch'][3]) then for i = 0, 15 do closeContainer(i) end if (Self.BrowseField(location['HouseDepot'][1],location['HouseDepot'][2],location['HouseDepot'][3]) == 1) then wait(1000) Locker = Container(Tracker) Tracker = Tracker + 1 Locker:OpenChildren({Locker:GetItemData(0).id, false}) wait(1000) if (Container(Tracker):UseItem(0, true) == 1) then wait(1000) Depot = Container(Tracker) wait(1000) local bponcounter = Map.GetTopMoveItem(location['Counter'][1], location['Counter'][2], location['Counter'][3]) if (Item.GetName(bponcounter.id):lower() == _Remote_BackupContainer:lower()) then Map.PickupItem(location['Counter'][1], location['Counter'][2], location['Counter'][3], Depot:Index(), Depot:ItemCapacity()-1) wait(1000) end for spot, item in Depot:iItems() do if (Item.isContainer(item.id)) then if (Item.GetName(item.id):lower() == _Remote_BackupContainer:lower() and not ParcelTracker) then Depot:OpenChildren({Depot:GetItemData(spot).id, false}) wait(1000) Tracker = Tracker + 1 Parcel = Container(Tracker) ParcelTracker = true for s = Parcel:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local ditem = Parcel:GetItemData(s) if Item.isContainer(ditem.id) then Parcel:UseItem(s, true) wait(1000) break end end elseif (PlatinumTracker == -1 and (Item.GetName(item.id):lower() == _Containers_PlatinumCoins:lower())) then PlatinumTracker = spot elseif (ParcelTracker) then if (PlatinumTracker == -1 or (PlatinumTracker ~= -1 and PlatinumTracker ~= spot)) then Depot:UseItem(spot, false) wait(1000) local Target_Container = Container(Tracker + 1) local Crystal_Count = Target_Container:CountItemsOfID(3043) while (Crystal_Count > _Remote_BackupCrystalCoins) do MoveItems(false) Crystal_Count = Target_Container:CountItemsOfID(3043) end if (Target_Container:CountItemsOfID(3043) == 0) then while (Target_Container:ItemCount() > 0) do MoveItems(true) local die_count = 0 for _, die in ipairs(Dice_IDs) do die_count = die_count + Target_Container:CountItemsOfID(die) end if (Target_Container:Name():lower() == _Containers_Items:lower()) then if ((Target_Container:ItemCount() == 1) or (Target_Container:ItemCount() == die_count + 1)) then for s = Target_Container:ItemCount() - 1, 0, -1 do local ditem = Target_Container:GetItemData(s) if Item.isContainer(ditem.id) then Target_Container:UseItem(s, true) wait(1000) break end end end else break end end end Target_Container:Close() wait(1000) end end end end Self.DropItems(location['Counter'][1], location['Counter'][2], location['Counter'][3], Item.GetID(_Remote_BackupContainer)) end DepotFound = true end break end end end end end if Casino_Loaded then if not Processing_Data and not OpeningNestedContainers then local player = Creature(speaker) if (player:Position().x == Coordinates.Player.x and player:Position().y == Coordinates.Player.y and player:Position().z == Coordinates.Player.z) then local sudocmd = nil local Minimum_Cash = 0 local Maximum_Cash = 0 Player_Option = nil if (table.contains({'l','low','123','h','high','456'}, text) and High_Low) then Player_Option = text Minimum_Cash = High_Low_Minimum Maximum_Cash = High_Low_Maximum elseif (table.contains({'odd','135','even','246'}, text) and Odd_Even) then Player_Option = text Minimum_Cash = Odd_Even_Minimum Maximum_Cash = Odd_Even_Maximum elseif (table.contains({'first','12','second','middle','34','last','56','third'}, text) and First_Second_Last) then Player_Option = text Minimum_Cash = First_Second_Last_Minimum Maximum_Cash = First_Second_Last_Maximum elseif (table.contains({'highest','lowest'}, text) and Highest_Lowest) then Player_Option = text Minimum_Cash = Highest_Lowest_Minimum Maximum_Cash = Highest_Lowest_Maximum elseif (table.contains({'sequence','seq','succession','series'}, text) and Sequence) then Player_Option = 'sequence' Minimum_Cash = Sequence_Minimum Maximum_Cash = Sequence_Maximum elseif (table.contains({'13','14','15','16','23','24','25','26','31','32','35','36','41','42','45','46','51','52','53','54','61','62','63','64'}, text) and Pair_Of_Numbers) then Player_Option = text Minimum_Cash = Pair_Of_Numbers_Minimum Maximum_Cash = Pair_Of_Numbers_Maximum elseif (table.contains({'1','2','3','4','5','6'},text) and Single_Numbers) then Player_Option = text Minimum_Cash = Single_Numbers_Minimum Maximum_Cash = Single_Numbers_Maximum elseif (table.contains({'blackjack'}, text) and Blackjack) then Player_Option = text Minimum_Cash = Blackjack_Minimum Maximum_Cash = Blackjack_Maximum elseif (table.contains({'min', 'max', 'minimum', 'maximum'}, text)) then Player_Option = 'limits' elseif table.contains({'rate', 'rates', 'payout', 'payouts'}, text) then Player_Option = 'payout' elseif (table.contains({'games'}, text)) then Player_Option = text elseif (table.contains({'blackjack rules', 'high/low rules', 'highest/lowest rules', 'odd/even rules', 'first/second/last rules', 'sequence rules', 'pair of numbers rules', 'single numbers rules', 'sum of numbers rules', 'beat that rules', 'blackjack instructions', 'high/low instructions', 'highest/lowest instructions', 'odd/even instructions', 'first/second/last instructions', 'sequence instructions', 'pair of numbers instructions', 'single numbers instructions', 'sum of numbers instructions', 'beat that instructions', 'blackjack info', 'high/low info', 'highest/lowest info', 'odd/even info', 'first/second/last info', 'sequence info', 'pair of numbers info', 'single numbers info', 'sum of numbers info', 'beat that info'}, text)) then Player_Option = text else local PriceRequest = false local SumRequest = false local BeatThatRequest = false for _, Accepted_Item in ipairs (Accepted_Items_List) do local itemName = Item.GetName(Accepted_Item.ID):lower() local item = string.match(text, 'price '..itemName) if item then PriceRequest = true SendMessage(speaker, 'I accept a '..itemName..' as bet for '..(Accepted_Item.Value/1000)..'k', false) Last_Activity_Player_In_Spot = os.time() ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', speaker..' chose option "'..text..'"') Player_Option = nil end end if not PriceRequest then local SumKeyword, SumNumber = text:match('^(sum) (%d+)$') if SumKeyword and SumNumber then SumNumber = SumNumber + 0 SumRequest = true if SumNumber >= 1 and SumNumber <= Sum_Of_Numbers_Maximum_Rolls*6 then Game_Types.Sum.Choice = SumNumber Player_Option = SumKeyword Minimum_Cash = Sum_Of_Numbers_Minimum Maximum_Cash = Sum_Of_Numbers_Maximum else SendMessage(speaker, 'The number for "sum" game must be between 1 and '..(Sum_Of_Numbers_Maximum_Rolls*6), false) Last_Activity_Player_In_Spot = os.time() ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', speaker..' chose option "'..text..'"') Player_Option = nil end end end if not SumRequest then local BeatThatKeyword, BeatThatNumber = text:match('^(beat that) (%d+)$') if BeatThatKeyword and BeatThatNumber then BeatThatNumber = BeatThatNumber + 0 BeatThatRequest = true if BeatThatNumber >= 11 and BeatThatNumber <= 66 then Game_Types.BeatThat.Choice = BeatThatNumber Player_Option = BeatThatKeyword Minimum_Cash = Beat_That_Minimum Maximum_Cash = Beat_That_Maximum else SendMessage(speaker, 'The guessed number for "beat that" game must be between 11 and 66', false) Last_Activity_Player_In_Spot = os.time() ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', speaker..' chose option "'..text..'"') Player_Option = nil end end end end if Player_Option then Last_Activity_Player_In_Spot = os.time() ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', speaker..' chose option "'..Player_Option..'"') if Player_Option == 'limits' then local LimitsMessage = 'The limits for each game type are' local availableGames = {} if Blackjack then table.insert(availableGames, {'blackjack', Blackjack_Minimum, Blackjack_Maximum}) end if High_Low then table.insert(availableGames, {'high/low', High_Low_Minimum, High_Low_Maximum }) end if Odd_Even then table.insert(availableGames, {'odd/even', Odd_Even_Minimum, Odd_Even_Maximum }) end if First_Second_Last then table.insert(availableGames, {'first/second/last', First_Second_Last_Minimum, First_Second_Last_Maximum }) end if Single_Numbers then table.insert(availableGames, {'single numbers', Single_Numbers_Minimum, Single_Numbers_Maximum }) end if Highest_Lowest then table.insert(availableGames, {'highest/lowest', Highest_Lowest_Minimum, Highest_Lowest_Maximum }) end if Sequence then table.insert(availableGames, {'sequence', Sequence_Minimum, Sequence_Maximum }) end if Pair_Of_Numbers then table.insert(availableGames, {'pair of numbers', Pair_Of_Numbers_Minimum, Pair_Of_Numbers_Maximum }) end if Sum_Of_Numbers then table.insert(availableGames, {'sum of numbers', Sum_Of_Numbers_Minimum, Sum_Of_Numbers_Maximum }) end if Beat_That then table.insert(availableGames, {'beat that', Beat_That_Minimum, Beat_That_Maximum }) end for iterator, game in ipairs(availableGames) do if iterator == #availableGames-1 then LimitsMessage = LimitsMessage..' '..(game[2]/1000)..'k - '..(game[3]/1000)..'k '..game[1]..' and' elseif iterator == #availableGames then LimitsMessage = LimitsMessage..' '..(game[2]/1000)..'k - '..(game[3]/1000)..'k '..game[1] else LimitsMessage = LimitsMessage..' '..(game[2]/1000)..'k - '..(game[3]/1000)..'k '..game[1]..',' end end SendMessage(speaker, LimitsMessage, false) Player_Option = nil elseif table.contains({'blackjack rules', 'blackjack info', 'blackjack instructions'}, Player_Option) then SendMessage(speaker, 'In the "Blackjack" game the first 5 rolls sum is your count, the last 5 rolls sum is mine. The count that is closer to 21 wins. You get busted if the count is higher than 21', false) Player_Option = nil elseif table.contains({'high/low rules', 'high/low info', 'high/low instructions'}, Player_Option) then SendMessage(speaker, '"High/Low" is a game where you try to guess the next roll. If you say "high" and the next roll is 4, 5 or 6 or if you say "low" and the roll is 1, 2 or 3 then you win', false) Player_Option = nil elseif table.contains({'highest/lowest rules', 'highest/lowest info', 'highest/lowest instructions'}, Player_Option) then SendMessage(speaker, 'In "Highest/lowest" there are 2 counts, first count and second count. This is a game where you try to guess which count will get the highest or lowest sum. The number of rolls for each count is '..(Highest_Lowest_Rolls / 2), false) Player_Option = nil elseif table.contains({'odd/even rules', 'odd/even info', 'odd/even instructions'}, Player_Option) then SendMessage(speaker, 'The game "Odd/Even" is just like High/Low but in this one you try to guess if the next roll is an odd number (1, 3 or 5) or an even number (2, 4 or 6)', false) Player_Option = nil elseif table.contains({'first/second/last rules', 'first/second/last info', 'first/second/last instructions'}, Player_Option) then SendMessage(speaker, '"First/Second/Last" is a game where you try to guess the next roll. In this game you can say 1 out of 3 commands. First means: 1 or 2. Second means: 3 or 4. Last means: 5 or 6', false) Player_Option = nil elseif table.contains({'sequence rules', 'sequence info', 'sequence instructions'}, Player_Option) then SendMessage(speaker, 'The "Sequence" game is about getting a sequence with 3 rolls. For example: 123, 234, 345 or 456. You can also get an inverted sequence: 654, 543, 432, 321', false) Player_Option = nil elseif table.contains({'pair of numbers rules', 'pair of numbers info', 'pair of numbers instructions'}, Player_Option) then SendMessage(speaker, '"Pair Of Numbers" is a game is where you try to guess the next roll by saying 2 different numbers that are not close to each other or repeated. For example: 13, 25 or 64', false) Player_Option = nil elseif table.contains({'single numbers rules', 'single numbers info', 'single numbers instructions'}, Player_Option) then SendMessage(speaker, '"Single Numbers" is a simple game. Say a number between 1 and 6 that you think will result in the roll', false) Player_Option = nil elseif table.contains({'sum of numbers rules', 'sum of numbers info', 'sum of numbers instructions'}, Player_Option) then SendMessage(speaker, 'The "Sum" game is about adding rolls. If you say "sum 8" then only 2 rolls are needed to sum the number 8. You can try to guess a number between 1 and '..(Sum_Of_Numbers_Maximum_Rolls*6)..'. The higher the number the more the payout percent', false) Player_Option = nil elseif table.contains({'beat that rules', 'beat that info', 'beat that instructions'}, Player_Option) then SendMessage(speaker, 'In the "Beat That" game you guess two numbers that will land in a row. For example, if you say "Beat That 15", it means that the rolls will be the number 1 followed by the number 5', false) Player_Option = nil elseif Player_Option == 'games' then local availableGames = {} local strAvailableGames = '' if Blackjack then table.insert(availableGames, 'blackjack') end if High_Low then table.insert(availableGames, 'high/low') end if Odd_Even then table.insert(availableGames, 'odd/even') end if First_Second_Last then table.insert(availableGames, 'first/second/last') end if Single_Numbers then table.insert(availableGames, 'single numbers') end if Highest_Lowest then table.insert(availableGames, 'highest/lowest') end if Sequence then table.insert(availableGames, 'sequence') end if Pair_Of_Numbers then table.insert(availableGames, 'pair of numbers') end if Sum_Of_Numbers then table.insert(availableGames, 'sum of numbers') end if Beat_That then table.insert(availableGames, 'beat that') end for iterator, game in ipairs(availableGames) do if iterator == #availableGames-1 then strAvailableGames = strAvailableGames..game..' and ' elseif iterator == #availableGames then strAvailableGames = strAvailableGames..game else strAvailableGames = strAvailableGames..game..', ' end end SendMessage(speaker, 'You can play '..strAvailableGames..' with me', false) Player_Option = nil elseif Player_Option == 'payout' then local PayoutMessage = 'The payout for each game type is' local availableGames = {} if Blackjack then table.insert(availableGames, {'blackjack', Blackjack_Payout}) end if High_Low then table.insert(availableGames, {'high/low', High_Low_Payout }) end if Odd_Even then table.insert(availableGames, {'odd/even', Odd_Even_Payout}) end if First_Second_Last then table.insert(availableGames, {'first/second/last', First_Second_Last_Payout}) end if Single_Numbers then table.insert(availableGames, {'single numbers', Single_Numbers_Payout}) end if Highest_Lowest then table.insert(availableGames, {'highest/lowest', Highest_Lowest_Payout }) end if Sequence then table.insert(availableGames, {'sequence', Sequence_Payout }) end if Pair_Of_Numbers then table.insert(availableGames, {'pair of numbers', Pair_Of_Numbers_Payout }) end if Sum_Of_Numbers then table.insert(availableGames, {'sum of numbers', Sum_Of_Numbers_Payout }) end if Beat_That then table.insert(availableGames, {'beat that', Beat_That_Payout }) end for iterator, game in ipairs(availableGames) do if iterator == #availableGames-1 then PayoutMessage = PayoutMessage..' '..game[2]..'% '..game[1]..' and' elseif iterator == #availableGames then PayoutMessage = PayoutMessage..' '..game[2]..'% '..game[1] else PayoutMessage = PayoutMessage..' '..game[2]..'% '..game[1]..',' end end SendMessage(speaker, PayoutMessage, false) Player_Option = nil else local ValueInItems = 0 if Accept_Items then for indexItemCounter=0,Containers.Counter:ItemCount()-1 do if indexItemCounter > 28 then indexItemCounter = 28 end local tempItemCounter = Containers.Counter:GetItemData(indexItemCounter) for _, Accepted_Item in ipairs(Accepted_Items_List) do if Accepted_Item.ID == tempItemCounter.id then ValueInItems = ValueInItems + (tempItemCounter.count * Accepted_Item.Value) break end end end end local platinumInCounter = Count_Extended(Containers.Counter, {3035}) local crystalInCounter = Count_Extended(Containers.Counter, {3043}) local totalCashInCounter = platinumInCounter * 100 + crystalInCounter * 10000 + ValueInItems local ItemCount = 0 if Accept_Items then for indexCounter=0,Containers.Counter:ItemCount()-1 do local tempItemCounter = Containers.Counter:GetItemData(indexCounter) for _, Accepted_Item in ipairs(Accepted_Items_List) do if Accepted_Item.ID == tempItemCounter.id then ItemCount = ItemCount + 1 break end end end end if (totalCashInCounter >= Minimum_Cash and totalCashInCounter <= Maximum_Cash and ((Accept_Items and ItemCount <= 5) or not Accept_Items)) then ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'The script started processing data') Last_Amount.Crystal = Count_Crystal_Extended() * 10000 Last_Amount.Platinum = Count_Platinum_Extended() * 100 Last_Amount.Items = 0 if Accept_Items then for indexItemsContainer=0,Containers.Items:ItemCount()-1 do local tempItemsContainer = Containers.Items:GetItemData(indexItemsContainer) for _, Accepted_Item in ipairs(Accepted_Items_List) do if Accepted_Item.ID == tempItemsContainer.id then Last_Amount.Items = Last_Amount.Items + (tempItemsContainer.count * Accepted_Item.Value) break end end end end if table.contains({'blackjack'}, Player_Option) then Blackjack_In_Progress = true elseif table.contains({'sum'}, Player_Option) then Sum_Of_Numbers_In_Progress = true elseif table.contains({'beat that'}, Player_Option) then Beat_That_In_Progress = true elseif table.contains({'highest', 'lowest'}, Player_Option) then Highest_Lowest_In_Progress = true elseif table.contains({'sequence'}, Player_Option) then Sequence_In_Progress = true end Authenticate_Cash_Check = totalCashInCounter Processing_Data = true Take_Cash_Signal = true else if Accept_Items and ItemCount > 5 then SendMessage(speaker, "I'm sorry, I only accept 5 items per bet", false) else local InvalidBidMessage = Invalid_Bid[math.random(1,#Invalid_Bid)] local InformInvalidBid = false if table.contains({'l','low','123','h','high','456'}, Player_Option) then InvalidBidMessage = InvalidBidMessage:gsub('%[min%]', (High_Low_Minimum/1000)..'k'):gsub('%[max%]', (High_Low_Maximum/1000)..'k') InvalidBidMessage = InvalidBidMessage:gsub('%[game%]', 'high/low') InformInvalidBid = true elseif table.contains({'odd','135','even','246'}, Player_Option) then InvalidBidMessage = InvalidBidMessage:gsub('%[min%]', (Odd_Even_Minimum/1000)..'k'):gsub('%[max%]', (Odd_Even_Maximum/1000)..'k') InvalidBidMessage = InvalidBidMessage:gsub('%[game%]', 'odd/even') InformInvalidBid = true elseif table.contains({'first','12','second','middle','34','last','56','third'}, Player_Option) then InvalidBidMessage = InvalidBidMessage:gsub('%[min%]', (First_Second_Last_Minimum/1000)..'k'):gsub('%[max%]', (First_Second_Last_Maximum/1000)..'k') InvalidBidMessage = InvalidBidMessage:gsub('%[game%]', 'first/second/last') InformInvalidBid = true elseif table.contains({'1','2','3','4','5','6'},Player_Option) then InvalidBidMessage = InvalidBidMessage:gsub('%[min%]', (Single_Numbers_Minimum/1000)..'k'):gsub('%[max%]', (Single_Numbers_Maximum/1000)..'k') InvalidBidMessage = InvalidBidMessage:gsub('%[game%]', 'single numbers') InformInvalidBid = true elseif table.contains({'sum'}, Player_Option) then InvalidBidMessage = InvalidBidMessage:gsub('%[min%]', (Sum_Of_Numbers_Minimum/1000)..'k'):gsub('%[max%]', (Sum_Of_Numbers_Maximum/1000)..'k') InvalidBidMessage = InvalidBidMessage:gsub('%[game%]', 'sum of numbers') InformInvalidBid = true elseif table.contains({'beat that'}, Player_Option) then InvalidBidMessage = InvalidBidMessage:gsub('%[min%]', (Beat_That_Minimum/1000)..'k'):gsub('%[max%]', (Beat_That_Maximum/1000)..'k') InvalidBidMessage = InvalidBidMessage:gsub('%[game%]', 'beat that') InformInvalidBid = true elseif table.contains({'sequence'}, Player_Option) then InvalidBidMessage = InvalidBidMessage:gsub('%[min%]', (Sequence_Minimum/1000)..'k'):gsub('%[max%]', (Sequence_Maximum/1000)..'k') InvalidBidMessage = InvalidBidMessage:gsub('%[game%]', 'sequence') InformInvalidBid = true elseif table.contains({'highest', 'lowest'}, Player_Option) then InvalidBidMessage = InvalidBidMessage:gsub('%[min%]', (Highest_Lowest_Minimum/1000)..'k'):gsub('%[max%]', (Highest_Lowest_Maximum/1000)..'k') InvalidBidMessage = InvalidBidMessage:gsub('%[game%]', 'highest/lowest') InformInvalidBid = true elseif table.contains({'13','14','15','16','23','24','25','26','31','32','35','36','41','42','45','46','51','52','53','54','61','62','63','64'}, Player_Option) then InvalidBidMessage = InvalidBidMessage:gsub('%[min%]', (Pair_Of_Numbers_Minimum/1000)..'k'):gsub('%[max%]', (Pair_Of_Numbers_Maximum/1000)..'k') InvalidBidMessage = InvalidBidMessage:gsub('%[game%]', 'pair of numbers') InformInvalidBid = true elseif table.contains({'blackjack'}, Player_Option) then InvalidBidMessage = InvalidBidMessage:gsub('%[min%]', (Blackjack_Minimum/1000)..'k'):gsub('%[max%]', (Blackjack_Maximum/1000)..'k') InvalidBidMessage = InvalidBidMessage:gsub('%[game%]', 'blackjack') InformInvalidBid = true end if InformInvalidBid then SendMessage(speaker, InvalidBidMessage, false) Player_Option = nil Blackjack_In_Progress = false end end end end end end end end LocalProxyMessage = nil end Mod:Delay(WorkloadExecutionInterval()*200) end) Signal.OnReceive('EffectProxySignal', function(signal, data) EffectProxyMessage = data["Message"] end) Module('EffectProxySystem', function(Mod) if EffectProxyMessage then local message = EffectProxyMessage if Casino_Loaded then if Processing_Data then if Pay_Cash_Signal == 0 then if Roll_Dice_Signal then ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'The script finished processing data') local number = string.match(message, Self.Name()..' rolled a (.+).') if number then ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'The script started processing effects') ProcessDebugMessage('Casino Debugger', 'Effect Proxy received data | Message: '..message..' | Script loaded: '..tostring(Casino_Loaded)..' | Processing data: '..tostring(Processing_Data)) if Blackjack and Blackjack_In_Progress then Blackjack_Roll_Count = Blackjack_Roll_Count + 1 if Blackjack_Roll_Count >= 1 and Blackjack_Roll_Count <= 5 then Blackjack_Player_Count = Blackjack_Player_Count + number + 0 elseif Blackjack_Roll_Count >= 6 and Blackjack_Roll_Count <= 10 then Blackjack_Dealer_Count = Blackjack_Dealer_Count + number + 0 if Blackjack_Roll_Count == 10 then Roll_Dice_Signal = false Dice_Rolled_Check = 0 Blackjack_Roll_Count = 0 Pay_Cash_Signal = 1 end end elseif Sum_Of_Numbers and Sum_Of_Numbers_In_Progress then Sum_Of_Numbers_Roll_Count = Sum_Of_Numbers_Roll_Count + 1 Sum_Of_Numbers_Sum = Sum_Of_Numbers_Sum + number + 0 if Sum_Of_Numbers_Roll_Count == math.ceil(Game_Types.Sum.Choice/6) then Roll_Dice_Signal = false Dice_Rolled_Check = 0 Sum_Of_Numbers_Roll_Count = 0 Pay_Cash_Signal = 1 end elseif Beat_That and Beat_That_In_Progress then Beat_That_Roll_Count = Beat_That_Roll_Count + 1 local strBeatThatCount = Beat_That_Sum..number Beat_That_Sum = strBeatThatCount + 0 if Beat_That_Roll_Count == 2 then Roll_Dice_Signal = false Dice_Rolled_Check = 0 Beat_That_Roll_Count = 0 Pay_Cash_Signal = 1 end elseif Highest_Lowest and Highest_Lowest_In_Progress then Highest_Lowest_Roll_Count = Highest_Lowest_Roll_Count + 1 if Highest_Lowest_Roll_Count >= 1 and Highest_Lowest_Roll_Count <= (Highest_Lowest_Rolls/2) then Highest_Lowest_First_Sum = Highest_Lowest_First_Sum + number + 0 elseif Highest_Lowest_Roll_Count >= ((Highest_Lowest_Rolls/2)+1) and Highest_Lowest_Roll_Count <= Highest_Lowest_Rolls then Highest_Lowest_Second_Sum = Highest_Lowest_Second_Sum + number + 0 if Highest_Lowest_Roll_Count == Highest_Lowest_Rolls then Roll_Dice_Signal = false Dice_Rolled_Check = 0 Highest_Lowest_Roll_Count = 0 Pay_Cash_Signal = 1 end end elseif Sequence and Sequence_In_Progress then Sequence_Roll_Count = Sequence_Roll_Count + 1 local strSequenceCount = Sequence_Count..number Sequence_Count = strSequenceCount + 0 if Sequence_Roll_Count == 3 then Roll_Dice_Signal = false Dice_Rolled_Check = 0 Sequence_Roll_Count = 0 Pay_Cash_Signal = 1 end else Roll_Dice_Signal = false Pay_Cash_Signal = number + 0 end end end end end end EffectProxyMessage = nil end Mod:Delay(WorkloadExecutionInterval()*200) end) print(InformationText) Przy okazji wie ktoś czy da się zmniejszyć szansę na wygraną w tym skrypcie? 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